SAP Program HARCTER0 - Off-cycle payroll run: employees leaving the company

Using this report you can execute an off-cycle payroll run that allowsyou to calculate the payment that must be made for an employee leaving,or to calculate again the payment already made.
If this report is executed online you obtain a list of all theemployees who have left the company and who have information loaded inthe infotype Termination of contract (0551) in the period according tothe selection options entered.
On the selection screen of the report you can choose between:
final payrolls not run,
final payrolls not run with the same off-cycle payroll run data that isindicated on the selection screen, or
both of the above options.
The off-cycle payroll run data that must be indicated on the selectionscreen is:
The payment date of the off-cycle payroll run: Two selection buttonsindicate the two possibilities for this. The payment date that youenter here will be applied to all of the entries chosen for thisreport.
The Reason for the off-cycle payroll run. We recommend always using theOff-cycle payroll Reason "F001".
You can also enter variants for the remuneration statement (variant ofthe report HARCEDT0). These variants allow you to use your own valuesfor each of the runs.
On triggering this report you execute the report HARCALC0 and, if thecalculation is successful, record in the infotype Termination ofcontract (0551) the off-cycle payroll run data for payment of the finalsettlement. This data is: Date of the off-cycle payroll run, thePayroll Type and the Reason for the off-cycle payroll run.

In the list you obtain when you execute this report you display theleaving date. This is the reference date for executing the off-cyclepayroll run. You generally take the start date of the infotypeTermination of contract (0551) as reference.
The Payment date is that entered in the selection screen of the report.
The entries presented in the list can be flagged. Using the functionkey "Execute process" you execute the off-cycle payroll run for theentry flagged.
The function key "Test/Display log" allows you to execute the off-cyclepayroll run in test mode and obtain a log for the same.
The function key "Test/Without log" allows you to execute the off-cyclepayroll run in test mode and without obtaining a log for the same. Youcan then display the corresponding remuneration statement to controlresults and save processing times.
After executing the off-cycle payroll run an icon is displayed in thecorresponding column that indicates whether or not the calculation haslaunched a correct result or not.
If the start date of the infotype Termination of contract (0551) islocated within a period that has already been calculated, this payrollrun is flagged as already executed.
Entries are calculated automatically in the background processexecution.
Once you have run the report, you can issue a list of the errors thatmay have occured during report flow. To do this, activate thecorresponding pushbutton on the list screen.