SAP Program HARCSRV0 - Certification of Services

This report generates a help list by employee and by company code,containing the information required for completing the AnSeS (NationalSocial Insurance Administration) form PS.6.2. It is printed using aSAPscript form.
In the selection screen of the report, you can enter the following:
Reference date: The system's default value is the current date, but youcan enter a different date.
Employee/Range of employees: Due to the nature of the report, you mustenter at least one personnel number.
If there is no entry in the Company Code option, the report will be runfor all existing company codes.
Profession or Employment column contents: You can use the threepushbuttons in this section of the screen to specify whether theemployee's pay scale group, professional group, position or role will beused in the Profession or Employment column.
Remuneration to be used: You can use the three pushbuttons on thissection of the screen to specify the type of payments that will bereported in the "Current amount" and "SAC" columns.
If you select the "Total remuneration without Soc. Ins. non-deductiblecredits" pushbutton, wage types /102, /104 and /105 will be used in the"Current amount" column and wage type /115 in the "SAC" column.
If you select the "Total remuneration with Soc. Ins. non-deductiblecredits" pushbutton, wage types /012, /104, /105 and /124 will be usedin the "Current amount" column and wage type /115 in the "SAC" column.
If you select the "Taxable income" pushbutton, the following wage typeswill be used:
- Key date before 01/04/2007: /380, /381 and /382 will be usedfor the "Current amount" column and wage type /383 in the "SAC" column.
Additional data: In this section you can enter the name of the SAPscriptform that will receive the information processed and the documentarysources that support the information contained in the form.

The help list contains detailed data by employee and company code. Thereport selects the last ten active years of the employee in each companycode. To do this it determines, for each year to be reported, whetherthe employee received any payments in any of the months corresponding tothe year, or had an absence relevant to the Services and RemunerationStatement. If not, then the report omits the year.
First, on each page of the printout, the report formats the header withthe report title and the employee CUIL.
Following this, the employer data and employee data are formatted, aswell as a list containing the last five types of service, with thefollowing information: start date, end date and the total time in eachof the service types. Following this, two accumulators are formatted:
Payroll total: in which the total number of days, months and years ineach of the service features are reported.
Total interruptions: in which the total number of interruptions in eachof the service types is reported.
Then, the report indicates whether the employee is active at the timethe report is issued. If not, the contract cancellation date will bereported.
Then for each corresponding year, the remuneration paid for each of thetwelve months of the year is reported. This remuneration is displayed inthe "Current amount" and "SAC" columns, depending on the pushbuttonselected in the "Remuneration to be used" section of the reportselection screen.
The employee's profession or employment, type of service and timeactually worked are also reported, expressed in months, days and hours.The criteria used to complete these columns depends on:
Whether the employee is paid on a monthly or daily basis.
Whether the employee took any leave during the month relevant to thetime worked calculation.
At the end of each year, the total remuneration received and total SACamount are reported in the original currency. The total months, days andhours actually worked are also reported.
At the end of each company code in which the employee worked, the unpaidabsences and leave are set out for each of the types of service listedat the start of the report, as well as the total time to be expressed indays, months and years.
After processing all the employees in all the corresponding companycodes, a list of all the errors detected in the running of this reportis formatted.
For details of the data that you need to transfer from previous systemsbefore you can begin to work with the standard SAP R/3 system, see theImplementation Guide, under Payroll Argentina -> Transfer of datafrom external systems -> Service andRemuneration Statement