SAP Program HARCSI93 - Generation of employee declarations

This report generates a TemSe file for each company to issue the AnnualIncome Tax Declaration (DGI-SIJP) as well as a support list for theircontrol that can be printed.
On the selection screen of the report you can specify the Month and theYear for which you execute the report. Due to the specific features ofthe Annual Tax Declaration, the system suggests the month before thecurrent month according to the system date. However, that date can beoverwritten.
If you make no entries in the Company selection option, the report isexecuted for all the existing companies. In such case, the systemgenerates a name for the TemSe file to be generated.
The system automatically activates the staffing status '0 (Employeesthat left company)' and '3 (Active employees)'.

The support list contains data detailed by the employee. This reportselects all the employees that have been paid in the specified period.
One exception to this are the employees with apprentice contract: theseemployees are not selected by the report.
The list contains, among others, the following columns:
Total remuneration: Gross amount paid to the employee withoutdeductions. It is the total of wage types corresponding to payments(/102, /104 and /115), monetary payments (/105) and maternity (/121).
This column can also include the wage type SIJP non-deductible payments(/124), depending on whether the appropriate checkbox of the reportselection screen has been marked or not.
For further information about the cumulation of non-deductible paymentsin the non-deductible payments wage type (/124) see the sectionPayroll Argentina-> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement andPension Scheme ->Define cumulation ofnon-deductible payments for SIJP in the implementation guide.
Social Insurance taxable remuneration (Rem. subject to SI): Taxablebasis used for the calculation of contributions. It is the total ofwage types /380, /381, /382 and /383.
Employee voluntary contributions to AFJP (Retirement and Pension FundAdministrators) through the company (vol.retire.contr.): Total of wagetypes /328 and /329.
Family allowances (Fam.allow): Total of family allowances wage types(/F03, /F04, /F05 and /F09; /F06, /F07, /F08 and /F11) and maternity(/121).
This column can also include additional wage types that may have beencreated for family allowances, as long as these wage types arecumulated in the Total family allowances wage type (/125). For furtherinformation about this cumulation, read the section PayrollArgentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme ->
Define family allowances cumulation for SIJP
in the implementation guide.
Taxable remuneration Welfare Fund (Tax.remun.Welf.F.): Except in thecase of employees on a trial period, this field is filled by the samevalue as Social Insurance taxable remuneration. If the employee isincluded in the family allowance direct payment system, then yousubtract the amount cumulated as bonus for a disadvantaged area (ifthere is one) from this remuneration.
Additional payment to Welfare Fund (Payt WF Related pers.): Total ofpayments for related persons and family. This is the total of wagetypes corresponding to payments to the Welfare Fund for related persons(/368, /369, /370, /371 and /347). trial: This is the total of wage types /380, /381, /382and /383 for the days corresponding to the trial period.
Contrib.Fam.Allow.trial per.: This is the total of wage types /330,/331, /332, /333 and /336 for the days corresponding to the trialperiod.
The following fields are included in the list only if the employee isincluded within the family allowance direct payment system:
Family allowance zone (FA zone): This field contains the code of thecorresponding family allowance zone.
Number of challenged children (Chall.child.): The number that appearsin this field is the number of family allowances received for (a)challenged child/ren.
Prenatal allowance (Prenatal): This field indicates whether an employeehas received prenatal allowance or not. The possible values are 'S'(yes) and 'N' (no).
Special schooling allowance (Spec.Sch.): The number in this field isthe total amount of all family allowances for special schoolingassistance received by the employee.
Disadvantaged zone bonus (Disadv.z.amount): this field contains theamount received as a bonus for certain family allowances by theemployee.
Employees on a trial period throughout the period have zero in thefield Social Insurance taxable remuneration and their retainedremuneration appears in the field Taxable remuneration for WelfareFund. If the employee changes contract type (from trial period toanother) within the month, the field Social Insurance taxableremuneration contains the proportional amount to the days that theemployee was not on a trial period. Both retained remuneration andcontributions to family allowances appear in the the columnsRemun.ret.Trial per. and Fam.allow.Trial per. resectively.
If there is a change of legal person in the specified period, theemployee will appear in the two lists corresponding to the legalpersons specified.
The employees are sort according to their CUIL numbers following abottom-up order. In the first column there is a consecutive number foreach employee that is initialized in 1 for each company.
The first line of the list contains the total amounts of all theemployees selected by the company. Those totals are the totalling ofthe corresponding columns.
The support list shows the month and year for which the report has beenrun.
Once the report has been executed you can obtain a list of the errorsthat could have occurred during the execution by activating theappropriate pusbutton on the list screen.

The design data of the ASCII file generated from this report aredetailed below. The data of this design must be defined in the DGIsystem before the first results import:
Field,,,,,,Start (in column),,,,,,Length (in spaces)
Welfare Fund Code,,,,,,12,,,,,,6
Number of childrn,,,,,,19,,,,,,2
Rebate provided,,,,,,27,,,,,,3
Tax modifier code,,,,,,30,,,,,,2
Activity code,,,,,,23,,,,,,4
Additional percentage,,,,,,0,,,,,,0
Voluntary contrib.,,,,,,61,,,,,,9
Social Ins. surplus,,,,,,0,,,,,,0
Tax.remun.welfare Fund.,,,,,,70,,,,,,9
Additional amount,,,,,,79,,,,,,9
Fam. allowance zone,,,,,,88,,,,,,2
Amount chall.childrn.,,,,,,90,,,,,,2
Amount disadv.z.bonus,,,,,,95,,,,,,9
Total size of record: 149
No separators between fields.