SAP Program HARCOS00 - List of payments to welfare fund

This report generates a monthly list of contributions made to thedifferent Welfare Funds with which a particular Company Code works.
The month proposed by the system is the last month with payroll resultsprior to the system date.
If a Welfare Fund code or a range of codes is entered in the selectionscreen, the list generated by the report will only includecontributions made to the Welfare Funds indicated. If no Welfare Fundcode is entered, the list will display the contributions made to allWelfare Funds with which the Company code has worked in the periodindicated.

For an employee to be included in the list, the payroll run for thisemployee must have been executed successfully in the specified period.
A Welfare Fund code for the employee should also be entered in the theSocial Insurance infotype (0392).

In the standard system, the list is sorted in descending order byWelfare Fund, Welfare Fund plan and employee name. However, thissorting can be changed online.
For Welfare Fund and Welfare Fund plan, partial totals are displayed.This totalling option can also be changed online.
The list formats one page for each Welfare Fund.
In addition to the name, CUIL and affiliation number of the employee,the list also presents the following payroll results (if they exist):
Gross amount for Social Insurance (Gross for Soc. Ins.): This columndisplays the gross amount used to calculate Welfare Fund contributions.This amount represents the sum of the following wage types: Grossamount for Social Insurance (/102), Gross amount for vacation (/104),Gross amount for ART (/105), Gross amount for SAC (/115).
Gross amount for Social Insurance with limit (Gross with limit): Thiscolumn displays the gross amounts for Social Insurance after the MOPRElimit has been applied to them. This amount represents the total of thefollowing wage types: Regular remuneration for contributions (/380),Vacation remuneration for contributions (/381), ART remuneration forcontributions (/382), SAC remuneration for contributions (/383).
Net amount for Welfare Fund: This column displays the final amount ofcontributions and deductions paid to the Welfare Fund. The systemcalculates this amount by:
1) Adding the total deductions, contributions and next of kincontributions to the Welfare Fund.
2)Then applying the corresponding percentage, depending on the emloyeeremuneration amount, to the total obtained. To display theporcentages, see the Implementation Guide, under payroll Argentina-> Social Insurance ->Processes ->Check system tables ->Check WelfareFund distribution percentages scale
Net amount for ANSSAL:This column displays the final amount ofcontributions and deductions paidto ANSSAL. The system calcutats thisamount by first calculating the net amount for Welfare Fund (previouscolumn) and subtracting this amount from %100.
Contribution to the Welfare Fund (WF Contr.): This column displays thesum of the contributions to the Welfare Fund made by the employer forthe corresponding employee. This amount represents the sum of thefollowing wage types: Contribution to the Welfare Fund from salary(/360), Contribution to the Welfare Fund from vacations (/362),Contribution to the Welfare Fund from SAC (/364), Contribution to theWelfare Fund from salary for ART (/367), Contribution from tickets(/375) and minimum Welfare Fund Contribution (/358).
Contribution to the Welfare Fund (WF contr.): This column displays thetotal contributions to the corresponding Welfare Fund. This amountrepresents the total of the following wage types: Contribution to theWelfare Fund from salary (/361), Contribution to the Welfare Fund fromvacations (/363), Contribution to the Welfare Fund from SAC (/365),Contribution to the Welfare Fund from salary for ART (/366) and minimumWelfare Fund contribution (348).
Next of kin contributions (Next of Kin contr.): This column displaysthe total of contributions made by the employee for their next of kin.This amount represents the total of the following wage types:Contribution to the Welfare Fund from Next of kin ART (/368),Contribution to the Welfare Fund from Next of kin vacation (/369),Contribution to the Welfare Fund from Next of kin SAC (/370),Contribution to the Welfare Fund from Next of kin salary (/371).
Voluntary contribution to the Welfare Fund plan (Voluntary ER contr.):This column displays the amount the employer paid by the employer tocomplement the Welfare Fund plan. This amount is represented by thewage type Contribution for plan difference(/390) and Welfare Fundadditional /SI2).
Voluntary contribution to the Welfare Fund plan (Voluntary EE contr.):This column displays the amount the employee pays to complement theWelfare Fund plan. This amount is represented by the wage typeContribution for plan difference (/391) and Welfare Fund additional(/SI2).
This list is generated from the payroll results.
This ensures that, except in exceptional cases, each employee isassigned to only one Welfare Fund in each month.
The exception occurs where the payroll is calculated for an employeeevery 15 days and the employee changes their Welfare Fund or WelfareFund plan in the second 15 days of the month. In this case, for thefirst 15 days, the list will present the employee within the WelfareFund or plan to which they belonged during the first 15 days, andwithin the new Welfare Fund or Plan for the following 15 days.
Once this report has been run, a list of the errors that may haveoccured during the report flow can be issued by activating thecorresponding pushbutton on the list screen.