SAP Program HARCF649 - Form 649- Sworn Annual Declaration of Employee

This report is used for printing the form 649 of the Employee AnnualDeclaration.

If you wish to run this report for the period 13, you must haverun the Final Income Tax Settlement (report HARCIMPF). Otherwiseno data will be displayed for the selected personnel numbers.
However, if the employee has left the company during this period, theemployee data for this form are extracted from the last payroll run.

Apart from the standard selection options, you can specify the followingdata in the selection screen:

  • Month/Year: If you make no entries in the Month and Year fields
  • of the selection options for Period, the last payroll is taken intoaccount to determine the month and the year. In this case you can usethe date of payment or the end date of the payroll period as a basis(see the Implementation Guide, in activity Define relevant data for tax calculation).
    If month 13 is entered for the final Income Tax settlement, thedata are taken from cluster A2 and the form corresponding to the finalIncome Tax settlement is edited.
    • Discriminate last deduction: Specifies how the
    • report distinguishes the income tax balance in the final settlement(month 13)

      The report output is a form created according to the specifications ofthe DGI (Internal Revenue Service). A form defined in SAPScript is usedfor the printing.
      If there has been a change of Company Code, a form will be formatted foreach Company Code.
      If your company uses the monthly limit of Income Tax deductions, in item8 (Total tax calculated) the report considers the tax calculatedplus the limit surplus.
      As item 10.a (Tax balance for DGI) is equal to item 8 less item 9(Amounts considered), the limit surplus is also included in theDGI tax balance.