SAP Program HARCDGI2 - Res.886/2000-Income Tax 4th tax bracket-SICORE 4-Deductions

This report generates a TemSe file for issuing the Resol. 738/99SICORE-4 Deductions report, and a printable control list.
As well as the standard selection options, the following data can beentered in the report selection screen:
Company Code: If a specific company code is specified, the TemSe filewill be generated for this company code only.
Payroll data: Two radio buttons can be used to specify whether thereport will be run for a tax year or month, or for a particular regularor off-cycle payroll run.
Please note that if the "Tax year/month" button is flagged, the theselection will be made by calendar month, NOT by payroll period.
For daily employees, results corresponding to the first fortnight ofthe month can be obtained by flagging the Partial Information checkbox.
Deductions to be included: The three radio buttons in this section ofthe screen can be used to define whether the report will include alldeductions/returns, only normal deductions/returns, or only thedeductions/returns that correspond to the final Income Tax settlement.
It is important to take into account that final Income Tax settlementscarried out for "Contract Termination (F001)" off-cyle reason or"Contract termination (03)" category for off-cycle reason will beconsidered exclusively as off-cycle payroll runs.
When this report is run, employees whose occupational status is "0(employees who have left the company)" or "3 (Active employees)" duringthe specified period are selected. Of these, the report selectsemployees with deductions or returns, depending on the criteriaselected.

The control list formats the detailed data by personnel number. Thisreport gathers data on the addresses of employees selected in reportSICORE 4 - Deductions. For this reason, it uses the same criteria forselecting employees.
The design data details of file ASCII generated by this report are asfollows. The design data should be defined in the SI.CO.RE. systembefore results are imported for the first time:
Field,,,,,,Start (in column),,,,Size (in characters)
Doc. no. txd. person,,,,,,1,,,,11
Registered company name,,,,,,12,,,,20
Fiscal residence,,,,,,32,,,,20
Postal code,,,,,,74,,,,8
Type doc. taxed,,,,,,82,,,,2
Total report size : 83
There are no separators between fields.