SAP Program HARCDBC0 - Determining gross amounts and contributions differences

This report generates a list with the Social Insurance gross amountdifferences and the corresponding contribution differences that wouldhave been generated due to the modifications specified in the act25.239 and the decrees and rulings referring to that act.
You can specify the Month and Year for which the report is executed onits selection screen. The system suggests the month before to thecurrent month, according to the system date, but you can overwrite it.
If you make no entries in the selection option 'Company', the report isexecuted for all the existing companies.
Use the checkbox 'Uses divisor 30' for specifying if the company usesor not this mechanism.
The system automatically activates the worker status '0 (Employees thathave left the company') and 3 (Active employees)'.

The suport list contains detailed data for each employee. This reportselects all the employees that have been processed in the specifiedcalendar month.
The information on Social Insurance gross amounts and contributions isdisplayed in a table for each employee.
The columns contain the gross amounts and their differences and thecontributions determined differences:
Original taxable gross amount: Total remuneration used in originalsettlement.
Simulated taxable gross amount: Total remuneration used in thecalculation of differences.
Difference of taxable gross amounts: Difference between the Simulatedtaxable gross amount(2) and the Original taxable gross amount (1)((2)-(1)).
Deductions gross amount: Amount initially used for calculatingcontributions, modified by the corresponding MOPRE limit.
Contributions gross amount: Amount used in the calculation of newcontribution values, modified by the new MOPRE limit.
Gross amounts difference: Difference between the Contributions grossamount and the Deductions gross amount ((5)-(4)).
SIJP contrib.: Difference for the SIJP (Integrated Retirement andPension Scheme) contribution.
INSSJP contrib.: Difference for the INSSJP (National Retired andPensioners Social Services Institute) contribution.
Welfare Fund contrib.: Difference for the Welfare Fund contribution.
FNE contrib.: Difference for the National Employment Fund contribution.
Family allowance contrib.: Difference for the Family allowancescontribution.
ART contrib.: Difference for the ART (Labor Risk Insurance company)contribution.
There are five lines distinguishing the values of each type ofremuneration for each employee.
Remuneration in general.
Leaves due to industrial accident or disease paid by the company (ART(1)).
Leaves due to industrial accident or disease paid by the ART (ART (2)).
Annual extra payment.
Leave due to vacation.
This layout does not affect the flexibility obtained for these data inthe normal calculation of deductions and contributions.
You can save the report in a local file with excel format (.xls) forfurther processing and according to the user requirements.