SAP Program H99U_CONVERSION_CA - Converting Cluster CA for Archived Payroll Results

You use this program to convert data of the payroll directory (RGDIR)for archived payroll results. The directory is stored in cluster CA oftable PCL2. Until now, cluster CA had a different structure to that ofcluster CU, in that the payroll directory was for non-archived payrollresults. Structure PC261A of cluster CA has now been adapted tostructure PC261 of cluster CU. This means that data has to beconverted.
The following changes were made to the structures:

  • Structure PC261 was enhanced by the field ARC_GROUP (Archiving
  • Group). In structure PC261A, the field ARC_GROUP is no longer at thestart, but in the same place as in cluster CU. In cluster CU this fieldis empty, but it is filled in cluster CA.
    • In both structures, the field CALCD (Indicator: Payroll Already Run
    • for This Period) has been added. SAP R/3 sets this indicator if itcreates a retroactive result for a payroll period in which payroll hasalready been run. Therefore, this indicator is set for all payrollresults which are not the original result of the in-period.
      These changes to the structures were necessary to increase theperformance of the reporting programs. Reports can now access thearchived payroll results more quickly since these are now stored intable PCL2 with the same structure as non-archived payroll results.Reports can distinguish between original and retroactive results moreeasily with the Payroll Already Run for This Period indicator.

      You only have to carry out the conversion if you have already archivedpayroll results.