SAP Program H99PDSY_FIND_DOCU - List HRDSYS documentation

List HRDSYS documentation

This program creates lists of logical information objects in the HRdocumentation system with the original language, development class, andthe number of text lines in the original language.

You should enter the customizing client when selecting according toobject attributes. In the translation system enter the client in whichthe client-dependent texts are translated. Client-dependentdocumentation (with the exception of object type CYCL) is read fromthis client. Object type CYCL is read from the standard client(defined in include RPDMND00).
When selecting according to the transport request, the documentation isread from the source client of the transport request.

The status of an object is determined depending on the target language.If a target language is not entered, the object is:

  • green,,if a text exists in the original language, and

  • red ,,if no text exists.

  • If a target language is entered, the object is:
    • green,,if the translation is newer than the original,

    • yellow,,if the translation is older than the original, and

    • red ,,if no translation exists.