SAP Program H99PDSY20 - Universal transport tool for HRDSYS

The report is used to record HRDSYS documentation in object lists forWorkbench Organizer transport requests.

Release 4.6B or above


The selection screen consists of three areas that are needed to draw upobject lists for HRDSYS documentation for Workbench Organizer transportrequests: the source system, transport requests, and the target system.
Source system:
The selection of HRDSYS documentation to be transported takes place onthe basis of the logical documentation objects selected. These logicaldocumentation objects are determined using a transport request in thesource system of the transport, or selected from the database usingattributes of the logical documentation objects, such as, masterlanguage, object name, or object type.
Transport requests:,,
Logical documentation objects and master language documentation can belisted separately from translations in object lists for workbenchorganizer transport requests. If the 'Test' switch is active, theobject lists are not saved.
Target system:
Using the RFC connection you can prevent HRDSYS documentation, forwhich no objects from the HR application exist in the target system,from being transported into the target system.
In the subarea 'LOIOs' you can determine which logical documentationobjects should be imported into the target system:
- all those selected
- only those that do not yet exist in the target system
- none, a check is carried out for the availability of logicaldocumentation objects in the target system.
- all those contained in a transport request
In the subarea 'PHIOs' you can determine which physical documentationobjects should be imported into the target system:
- in the target system, physical documentation objects that are alreadyavailable are deleted and replaced with physical documentation objectswith identical attributes from the source system.
- only those which do not already exist in the target system
- none
- if they are translations, only physical documentation objects withthe following characteristics should be imported into the targetsystem:
,,- those that have master language documentation in the source system
,,- those that have master language documentation in the target system
,,- those whose last-changed date can be ignored, is inital, should bedeleted, or is more up-to-date in the source system than in the targetsystem
