SAP Program H99PDSY10 - Plausibility checks for HRDSYS

The report checks HRDSYS documentation for technical consistency.During certain checks it is also possible to correct inconsistenciesthat have been found.

Release 4.6B or above


You can restrict the amount of HRDSYS documentation to be checked tocertain attributes, logical or physical documentation objects orindividual documentation classes, by making entries in the upper areaof the selection screen.
You then select the checks you want to use. If the symbol for'modification' is ready for input during the check, you can correct theinconsistencies directly. The checks are subdivided into two groupsaccording to perfomance.
Checks with lower runtime:
Count entries: The system determines the number of entries in tablesrelevant to HRDSYS.
Header tables: The system checks the consistency between the logicaland physical documentation objects.
LOIO-PHIO Consistency: The system checks the consistency betweenlogical and physical documentation objects.
Short texts: The system checks that the short texts are complete.
Uniqueness of attributes: The system checks that the semantic keys ofthe document objects are unique.
Old LOIO IDs: The system checks the availability of current keys forlogical documentation objects.
Master language PHIOs: The system checks that the master-languagedocumentation is complete.
PROP01: The system checks that the PROP01 attribute can be defined bythe user.
Checks with longer runtime:
Old LOIO IDs as link in text: The system checks the availability ofcurrent keys for logical documentation objects in hyperlinks.
HR objects without LOIO IDs: The system checks the consistency betweenlogical documentation objects and objects from the HR application.
LOIO IDs without HR objects: The system checks the consistency betweenlogical documentation objects and objects from the HR application.
LOIO IDs without TADIR entry: The system checks the consistency betweenlogical documentation objects and the catalog of repository objects.
You can specify a display variant for the list viewer used for output,and a transport task to record any corrections that may have been made.