SAP Program H99CWTR0 - Wage Type Reporter

The wage type reporter evaluates wage types from the payroll results fora selected period. This is data from tables RT (Results Table) and WPBP(Work Place Basic Pay) for the payroll results. Other tables and datafrom infotypes are not evaluated.

Description of the selection parameters

The standard selection fields for the logical database PNP can be used.Note that a selection according to organizational criteria in thesefields does not have to correspond to a selection of payroll results forthe selected organizational entity. Retroactive changes to master datacan lead to differences. We recommend that you include objects, whichare used for the selection, in the object selection (see below).

Payroll Period
Together with the entries for the payroll period (example: selectedperiod 01.01.1998 to 03.31.1998), in thePayroll Type field, you canenter the type of payroll you want to evaluate, for example:

  • Regular payroll run

  • Off-cycle payroll run

  • Correction run
    Bonus payment
    Manual check
    By entering the payroll period you can limit the amount of data to beevaluated by defining additional selection criteria for the followingpayroll types.
    If you choose Regular Payroll, enter the following:
    • Payroll area

    • Payroll period

    • Payroll year

    • If you want to compare two regular payroll runs, make the requiredentries for the comparison.
      If you choose Off-cyclepayroll, in the Special run field, enter the following:
      • Payroll type

      • Payroll ID

      • Payment date of off-cycle payroll

      • If you want to compare two off-cycle payroll runs, make the requiredentries for the comparison.
        If you have selected Perform Comparison, you can enter additionalcomparison parameters.
        You can make the following comparisons:
        • Compare one regular payroll run with another regular payroll run.

        • Compare one special run with another special run from the same payroll
        • type.

          Period determination
          You specify the desired view of the payroll results.
          Example: selected period 01.01.1998 to 03.31.1998
          For the in-period view, all results from all payroll types, which werecreated IN this period and correspond to the specified selectionof payroll types, are selected. A payroll run IN February 1998 FORDecember 1997 would be included in the example, however, a payroll runIN May 1998 FOR February 1998 would not.
          For the for-period view, all results from all payroll types, that werecreated FOR this period and correspond to the specified selectionof payroll types, are selected. A payroll run IN February 1998 FORDecember 1997 would not be included in this selection. However, apayroll run IN May 1998 FOR February 1998 would.
          Example: selected payroll period 11/2003
          In-period view: The end date of the period is decisive for the perioddetermination. The program takes into account all payroll results thatwere created IN this payroll period, depending on their payrolltype. If you select a regular payroll period, then any off-cycle resultsthat were created within the selected period are not taken into account.
          For-period view: The end date of the period is decisive for the perioddetermination. The program takes into account all results createdFOR this payroll period, irrespective of their payroll type. Ifyou select a regular payroll period, then any off-cycle results thatwere created for a special run within the selected period are not takeninto account.
          Example: selected special run A 0 12.10.2003
          In-period view: Only the results created IN this special run aretaken into account, irrespective of their payroll type.
          For-period view: Only results created FOR this special run aretaken into account, irrespective of their payroll type.
          You can use this program to perform a comparison between two payrollperiods of the same payroll type. The payroll areas for the periods tobe compared can be different. However, the payroll areas must have thesame periodicity.

          Other selections
          Wage type selection allows you to limit the selection to specific wagetypes.
          Use Archived payroll results to allow access to the archivedpayroll results.
          Use Object selection to specify which columns should appear inthe output list and which objects should be hidden.
          Example: You choose company code, wage type, and in-period.
          The selected objects appear as columns in the output list. The objectsthat were not selected are hidden.

          You can choose from the following list displays:

          • SAP List Viewer - List display with SAP List Viewer (Classic)

          • SAP List Viewer - List display with SAP List Viewer (ALV) Grid Control

          • Microsoft Excel

          • CAUTION: To use Microsoft Excel, you must at least use SAPGUI Version4.5A, Windows 95, or NT4.0 and Excel 97.
            The report is only batch-enabled if you use the SAP List Viewer.
            Templates can be used. You should create templates and variants first.

            List viewer
            The SAP List Viewer output can be set out according to yourrequirements. You can move and hide columns, create totals and sortsequences, define filters and save layouts to use later. For moreinformation, see the online documentation for the SAP List Viewer.
            Caution: You should ensure that the object selection is compatible withthe selected layout. It is only of limited use to use a layout withdifferent object selections.

            Excel output
            We recommend the following when using the Excel output:
            Start the report with the required selection without entering an Exceltemplate.
            The raw data table is displayed.
            You should first enter suitable column headers. Insert the headers asthe first line.
            Select all columns in the data area. It is not sufficient to limit theselection to the lines currently containing data since data may beentered in other lines in subsequent runs.
            Choose the Pivot Table Wizard and create the required report. Insertthis report in a new page in the table. For more information aboutworking with pivot tables, see the Excel documentation.
            The required pivot table is displayed. To store this as a template,proceed as follows:
            Go to the raw data table and select all data (not simply the columnheaders).
            Delete the selected data
            Set the cursor in the first column and second line (under the header).
            Save this as the model template (.xlt).
            You can now reuse this template. The object selection must be the sameas when the template was created. When you start the report, thenewly-filled table containing the raw data is displayed again. Selectthe table page with the pivot table and update it.

1410616Corrections in infotypes (3)
1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines
156387References to upgrade notes regarding HR
857881 HR-GB: Wage type reporter in GB menu
633552Enhancement of the wage type reporter
662805Steuerprüfung: unmittelbarer Zugriff