SAP Program H99CMLI0 - Cash Breakdown for Cash Payment Based on Payment Method

Report H99CMLI0 generates a list of cash payments made to the selectedemployees during the selected period. The amounts are split into themost suitable denominations in the cash breakdown list. You can use thesignature list to create receipts for the payments.
To select off-cycle special runs, flag the "Special run" field in the"Other data" group box.
The lists are summarized and sorted according to company code,personnel area and personnel subarea. You should select the key forcash payment as the payment method, however, for test purposes, you mayalso use another key.
The report evaluates table BT from the original result of the specifiedperiod.
A configurable list viewer displays the list.

You should only select employees if your country grouping implementscash payments using the Cash Payment payment method. Other countriesshould use the Cash Breakdown List report (RPCMLI000 or RPCMLI09) andwage type /557 from table RT.

For information on the configuration of the list viewer tool, see theonline help for the list viewer tool.