SAP Program GM_MILESTONE_BILLING - Milestone and Periodic Billing of Grants

The purpose of this report is to bill grants relevant for the billingplan using periodic billing or milestone billing as available in Salesand Distribution (SD).
The grants with billing rules relevant for the billing plan areretrieved according to the selection criteria (such as the billing duedate, grant number range, grant group). For each such grant, theunblocked, not yet fully billed milestones or periods are displayed.You can view logged errors related to the selected grants by choosing"Log for Grants".
You can simulate the billing process for the selected items by choosing"Simulate billing" as well as actually create billing documents withtheir subsequent accounting documents by choosing "Bill Grants". Ineither case, you can view any errors arising from billing by choosing"Log for Billing Doc." A status icon in each processed item shows thesuccess or failure of the process.

The dates of the milestones can be taken over from a WBS element in theProject System (PS)
This element can also be used for account assignment in FundsManagement (FM) as well as Grants Management.

First, configuration in the IMG is required. Choose Sales andDistribution -> Billing -> Billing Plan and carry out theappropriate steps.

  • For Grant Master:

  • Maintain a billing rule relevant for billing plan, a sales area, a WBSelement, total billing amount and installment amount (for periodicbilling) in the billing tab of the grant master data prior to the Awardstatus.
    When the grant attains Award status, the billing plan dates andamounts can be maintained in the Grant Master. Choose Environment-> Billing Plan
    • For account assignment purposes, assign the FM objects (fund, funds
    • center, functional area and so on) to the WBS element by using theFM derivation tool; assign the GM objects(sponsored program, grant) to the WBS element by using theGM derivation tool .
      • An object in PS, such as a network or WBS, can be used to maintain
      • milestone dates that are copied to the grant billing plan.

        The report uses the ALV (ABAP List Viewer) Grid with the standardfeatures.
        It allows the user to select and bill certain milestone dates orperiods of a given grant. The standard SD billing (transaction VF01),for example, processes all the dates of a given sales order.

        The selection criteria are:

        • Billing Data

        • The billing due dates of the milestones or periods, grant number, andgrant group
          • Grant Properties

          • External and internal references of the grant, sponsor, andresponsibility type

            The output structure of the ALV List is GMBILLING and contains thefollowing information:

            • Grant

            • Sponsor

            • Sales document

            • Sales area

            • Billing date

            • Billing value

            • Total grant value

            • Status

            • Billing plan dates already billed or blocked do not appear in the duelist.