SAP Program GFW_DEMO_HIER3 - GFW: Demonstration of a hierarchy/business graphic (Drag&Drop)

The program provides an example of interactive hierarchy/structuregraphics and business graphics using the Graphical Framework (GFW).
The graphics proxy for the hierarchy/structure graphic is still beingdeveloped.
The drag and drop function is used in a very restricted form that isnot the final version.
The window is divided into 5 sections:

  • 1 section below across the whole width of the window

  • 3 sections above, one next to the other

  • The middle section above is split horizontally into two sections, one
  • for a structure graphic and one for a business graphic
    The graphic below always displays all of the data in the data containerwhile the upper four sections each display a subsection of the data.
    • Application view

    • The graphics represent employees working in an international company.
      The lower graphic shows all the countries with locations, departmentsand employees assigned.
      The upper graphics each display subsections of this view.
      The graphics on the left and the right each display a location withdepartments and employees assigned to them.
      The graphics in the middle display detailed views of the graphic on theleft.
      You can interact with the graphic in the following ways:
      By double-clicking on the location or on a department in the structuregraphic on the left the location (or the department) and itssubordinate elements (departments, employees) are displayed in thestructure graphic in the middle.
      Data on the employees assigned to this location is displayed in thebusiness graphic.
      Drag and drop
      You can use the mouse to move an employee from one location (in thestructure graphic on the left or in the middle) to the other (structuregraphic on the right).
      • Technical view

      • All the graphics are based on a single data container. The requiredsubsections of the data container are created using the datacontainer's filter function:
        The graphic on the left displays data for filters 1, 2 and 4.
        The structure graphic in the middle displays data for filters 2 and 4.
        The business graphic in the middle displays data for filter 4.
        The structure graphic on the right displays data for filter 3.
        The lower graphic does not have a filter (no restriction of data).
        You can demonstrate the following events using the upper graphic:
        If you double-click on a node of the structure graphic on the left thenode and all its subordinate elements are displayed in the structuregraphic in the middle (that is, the application assigns it filters 2and 4); the data for the elements is displayed in the business graphic(filter 4).
        Drag and drop
        You can move a node from the structure graphic on the left or in themiddle to the one on the right. You can only do this with elements notwith the folder as a whole. The application assigns the node filter 3and a corresponding superior node.

        This is a program to demonstrate the functionality of the GraphicalFramework (GFW). This is not a programming example. If you want tolearn how to use the GFW in your own programs please take a closer lookat our programming examples (with prefix GFW_PROG_).