SAP Program GET_GALILEO_PNR - Import PNR from Galileo and write IDoc

Offline Synchronization with Order Data in GALILEO / APOLLO System
Offline synchronization, which can be run on a regular basis (forexample using a background job), compares modifications made to orderdata in Galileo with the internal SAP Travel Planning data, and updatesthe information as required.
IDoc technology is available to you for this purpose. IDocs arecontainers for data exchange between SAP systems and third-partysystems. This new data is then used later to update or create travelplans for the orders in the Galileo system.

There must be an active connection to the return interface of theGalileo system.

Importing Order Data from the Galileo System and Creating the IDocs
To import the order data from the Galileo system, use transactionGALILEO_SYNCH. This saves the data as an IDoc in a temporary buffer.

  • All orders created or modified on a specific date in the Galileo system
  • can be accessed to perform a synchronization.
    • You must also specify the grouping for sales office determination under
    • which access to the Galileo or Apollo system is set up.
      • The option Test Run - no IDocs has the effect that no synchronization of
      • the order data with the travel plans via IDoc is made. Instead, only anoverview of the order data for the specified date is displayed.

        Procedure for Setting up the IDoc Control Parameters
        To set up the control parameters for IDocs, you need to make thefollowing settings.

        Define IDoc type and segment types (transaction WE30):
        Make sure that the entry TRPL_PNR_IDOC exists and that it contains allsegment types whose technical name begins with E1FTPS_PNR_*.

        Define inbound process codes (transaction WE42):
        Create process code TRPL_PNR_IN using the New Entries button.

        Define characteristics of inbound function modules for processing theIDocs (transaction BD51):
        Use the New Entries button to create inbound function moduleIDOC_INPUT_FITP_PNR with input type 1. Activate the Dialog Allowedfield.

        Define EDI logical message types (transaction WE81):
        Under New Entries, create message type TRPL_PNR_MSG with a short textsuch as "Inbound generic PNR".

        Assign message types to IDoc types (transaction WE82):
        Enter the following under New Entries:
        Message type: TRPL_PNR_MSG
        Basic type: TRPL_PNR_IDOC
        Release: 46C

        Assign inbound function module to message type and IDoc type(transaction WE57):
        Enter the following under New Entries:
        Module: IDOC_INPUT_FITP_PNR
        TYP: F
        Basic type: TRPL_PNR_IDOC
        Message type: TRPL_PNR_MSG
        Direction: 2 (inbound)

        Define function modules for inbound ALE-EDI (transaction BD67):
        Enter the following under New Entries:
        Process code: TRPL_PNR_IN
        Module: IDOC_INPUT_FITP_PNR

        Define port for IDoc processing (transaction WE21):
        Define a port for the type Transactional RFC.

        Define partner profiles (transaction WE20):
        Since the IDocs are created and processed by the SAP system, you mustdefine both inbound and outbound parameters:
        Create a logical system (Partner type LS) with the following parameters:
        Outbound parameters:
        Message type: TRPL_PNR_MSG
        Receiver port: as defined in WE21
        Inbound parameters:
        Message type: TRPL_PNR_MSG
        Process code: TRPL_PNR_IN

        Processing the IDocs
        When processing the generated IDocs, the SAP system either updatesexisting travel plans or creates new ones. The IDocs can be processedmanually or automatically.

        Automatic Processing:
        This type of processing is recommended for live operation. You cancreate a batch job for the processing which then runs on a regularbasis. To do this you must activate the option Transfer IDoc immediatelyfor both the inbound and outbound parameters when setting up the controlparameters using transaction Partner Profiles (WE20).

        Manual Processing:
        Manual processing allows you to complete specific tests. If theparameter Collect IDocs is set for the outbound parameters, you muststart IDoc processing manually. Manual processing uses the programRBDAPP01 to send the IDocs to SAP Travel Planning, and therefore toupdate the Galileo order data in the SAP database.

        Error Control:
        You can display the status of the IDocs. To do this choose Tools ->Business Communication -> IDoc Basis -> IDoc -> IDoc Lists (WE05). Youcan select any IDoc segments with errors and process them here.
        If you change any IDocs, save your changes and send them to SAP TravelPlanning using program RBDAGAIE.

        See also:
        For more information on IDoc Technology, see the SAP Library under IDocInterface / Electronic Data Interchange (BC-SRV-EDI).