SAP Program GEOCODING_CUSTOMIZING_MASS - Mass Maintenance: Assign Geocoder to Country

You can use this program to assign a geocoding program to one or morecountries.

Before you can use this program, you must have registered your geocodingprogram successfully in the SAP Framework(see also: Register Geocoding Program inthe System).

Under Select Country, you can enter one or more countrykeys. Ifyou do not specify a country, the selected geocoder is assigned to allcountries.
Under Geocoder, you must select a registered geocoder and entera numerical sequence. Lower numbers have a higher priority.You can also set the Exclusive flag for the selected geocoder.
Under Options, you can overwrite existing entries byselecting the Overwrite checkbox. You can also delete allselected entries by selecting the Delete Selected Entriescheckbox.

If you have met all prerequisites and made an entry in all requiredfields, you will get the following message:
Customizing entries saved successfully