SAP Program FSSC_RDS_CATSCHEMA_EXP_IMP - Export and Import Categorization Schema

You can use this report to import and export categorization schemas forthe CRM Interaction Center (IC) to reduce the time it takes to implementyour shared services solution. This feature allows you to export andimport a schema using a text file that functions like a Comma-SeparatedValue (CSV) file. Unlike a CSV file, the text file uses a tab spaceinstead of using a comma as a separator. You can use CSV compatiblesoftware such as Microsoft Excel to open the text file.
Note: If you are using Microsoft Excel, you need to open the textfile with the Open With option. You cannot open the file directly byclicking on it with the mouse.
You can export a Categorization Schema to a text file. Business userscan then update this file using CSV compatible software. The updatedfile can then be imported into the system, updating the categorizationschema in the system

The users have the correct authorization to work on categorizationschemas.
For schema exports, the processed schema must exist in the system.
For schema imports, you need to use the Unicode format (UTF-8) when yousave the text file. For example in Microsoft Excel you need to use theUnicode text format.

You can use this report to do the following:

  • Export a categorization schema to a text file.

  • Import a categorization schema.

  • Import names and descriptions for a categorization schema.

  • The relevant sections below explain each of these.
    You use text files for all of these activities as either an input oroutput. When you export a schema, the result is a text file. When youimport a schema, you use a text file to create a draft schema. When youimport the schema names and descriptions, you use the text file.
    It is therefore important to understand the layout of the text file. Thetext file is divided into two sections that are divided by a blankspace:
    • Header Data

    • This section contains the following information in a two column tablethat contains the field names and values for each of the followingfields:
      schema ID
      schema name
      schema description
      status (display only)
      changed on (display only)
      changed at (display only)
      changed by (display only)
      • Detailed Data

      • This section contains information about the hierarchical categories inthe schema in a table. The first five columns contain the hierarchylevel and the category ID. The sixth and seventh columns contain thecategory name and description. The other columns contain the categoryattributes defined by the BAdi FSSC_RDS_CATEGO_SCHEMA..

        Export a Categorization Schema to a Text File
        You can use this feature of the report to export a schema.
        You can use the Export Schema radio button if you want to exporta schema. You can select a schema by searching for it using theSchema Name, Schema ID, or Schema Descriptionfields. If you make no entries in these fields, and execute the report,the system displays all the available schemas.
        You may also need to select a language, the following logic applies:

        • If you do not enter anything in the Language field, the system
        • creates the file in the system language.
          • If you enter a language in the Language field, the system
          • generates the report in the specified language.
            • If you enter more than one language, the system generates a text file
            • for each language. The system adds the language short code to the end ofthe filename.
              Standard Variants
              The system displays the list according to the selection criteria youspecify before you run the report.
              You can then select the schema you want to export and use the followingbuttons to export the schema:
              • Export: To export the schema and the hierarchical category data
              • contained within it.
                • Export w/o Attrib: To export the schema and the category name,
                • description and ID only. The other hierarchical category data is notexported.

                  Import a Categorization Schema
                  You can use this feature of the report to do the following:

                  • Create a new draft version of a schema.

                  • Copy the application area data from the selected schema to the new
                  • schema that the report creates in the system.
                    • Copy the schema, category names, and descriptions from the imported file
                    • to the new schema in the language code specified in the imported file.
                      Note: You cannot use this feature to create a new schema. Youcannot use this feature to update the existing version of the schemaattributes (including the category attributes).
                      To import a schema, you choose the Import Schema radio button andenter the filename of the schema that you would like to import.
                      Standard Variants
                      The system displays a list of schemas that have the same Schema ID
                      as the Schema ID that is defined in the imported file. Youselect a schema and choose Import to import the schema. The systemcreates a new draft version of the schema.

                      Import Names and Descriptions for a Categorization Schema
                      You can use this feature of the report to maintain the language for theName and Description fields in the selected schema and thecategories contained in the schema. You can use this feature to:

                      • Maintain the schema's name and description in the language defined in
                      • the imported file.
                        • Maintain the category's name and description in the language defined in
                        • the imported file.
                          • Maintain the above texts in multiple languages for both the schema and
                          • the category by importing multiple files.
                            You can use the Import Names and Descriptions radio buttonand select the file that you want to import. You can enter multiplefiles if you use a semicolon to separate the file names.
                            Standard Variants
                            The system displays a list of schemas that have the same Schema ID
                            as that defined in the imported file.
                            You select the appropriate schema and choose the Import Names andDesc. button to import the names and the descriptions. The systemthen imports the names and descriptions for the selected schema.