SAP Program FSSC_BP_REPLICATION - Customer/Vendor Replication from SAP ERP System

You can use this report to simplify and accelerate master datareplication between the SAP ERP and SAP CRM systems.
Before you replicate the customer and vendor master data, you can usethe report to check and create certain settings that are prerequisitesfor replicating customer and vendor master data. For example, you canuse the report to propose replicating the general Customizing settingsrequired for customer or vendor replication.
You can use this report to do the following.

  • Display the replicated customers/vendors

  • Replicate general customizing objects

  • Replicate required conditional object and other customizing objects

  • Create a business partner representing financial organizations for every
  • company code replicated from the SAP ERP system
    • Generate the proposal for setting up the customizing settings

    • Replicate separate customers/vendors by setting filter criteria

    • Replicate customers/vendors by account groups

    • Check the prerequisite customizing settings for customer/vendor
    • replication

      The connection between SAP ERP and SAP CRM needs to be established. Thisis facilitated by CRM Middleware.

      Display the replicated customers/vendors
      You can use the Display replicated BP button on the toolbar todisplay the Business Partners that represent the replicated customersand vendors. The system displays the selection screen for replicatedBusiness Partners. You can use these criteria to select and display thereplicated customers or vendors.
      Replicate general customizing objects
      You can select the Replicate basic Customizing objects check boxto replicate the general Customizing objects from SAP ERP to SAP CRM.
      For a full list of the replicated objects, seeBasic Customizing Objects forCustomer/Vendor Replication
      Replicate needed condition object and other customizing objects
      You can select Replicate required condition object and othercustomizing objects checkbox to replicate the required condition andcustomizing objects. In most cases, these objects are required tofacilitate the customer or vendor replication.
      For a full list of the objects that are replicated, seeCondition Objects for Customer/VendorReplication
      Create Business Partner(Financial Organization) for every companycode
      If you select the Create Business Partner(Financial Organization)for every company code checkbox, the report creates a businesspartner with the type 'Organization' for every company code from ERPsystem. This business partner represents the company#s financialorganization in the CRM Interaction Center,
      For example, for the company code '0001' in ERP system, the reportcreates a business partner with type 'Organization' and assigns theidentification number 'ERP Logical System: 0001' in CRM system.
      Generate the proposal for setting up the customizing settings
      You can use the Next Step button in toolbar to navigate to theproposal screen.
      If you previously set the filter criteria for customer or vendorreplication, the system displays a table containing the account groupsfor the customers or vendors based on the filter criteria.
      If you do not set the filter, the system displays all account groupsthat have been replicated from the SAP ERP system, the number rangeassigned to the account groups, as well as the number range`s low andhigh value.
      If the account group already exists in the SAP CRM system, the systemdisplays the mapping relationship with the Business Partner grouping.(You can use transactions PIDE and PIDV in the SAP ERPsystem to display this mapping), and the BP grouping information. Forexample, this information may include the the BP grouping name, thenumber range assigned to it and number range`s low and high value. TheSelection checkbox should be preselected and you should not beable to change it.
      If you select the Selection checkbox, the system completes thefields for BP grouping, BP grouping name, BP grouping number range, thelow and high value of the number range and the checkbox for externalnumber range automatically.
      The system proposes a value for the account group number is the same asthe BP grouping number. If the proposed account group number is alreadyused in the SAP CRM system, the system proposes the name #C001# forcustomers and #V001# for vendors. If #C001# is already used, the systemproposes #C002#. The system also proposes proposes a value for theaccount group name that is the same as the Business Partner groupingname by default.
      If you select the checkbox Replicate Account Group to BP Grouping byexternal number range checkbox, the system first proposes theexternal number range assignment with 1:1 size. If the external numberrange space is already used in the SAP CRM number range settings, thesystem proposes the internal number range with the same size.
      Note: If the account group number range consists of characterssuch as #A~ZZZZZZZZZZ#, the system proposes an internal number rangewith the size #100000#.
      If you do not accept the report's proposal, you need to complete theCustomizing settings manually. You need to define the number range andassign it to a BP grouping in the SAP CRM system. You also need tomanually establish the mapping between the account group and the BPgrouping. You can use transactions PIDE and PIDV in theSAP ERP system.
      If you accept the proposal, the system creates the BP grouping and thenumber range assigned to it in the SAP CRM system. The system alsocreates the mapping between the account group and the BP grouping. Youcan use transactions PIDE and PIDV to view these in theERP system.
      For example, you select the account group KUNA for replication. Theinformation for account group KUNA is as below.

      • Account Group: KUNA

      • Group name: Customer(ext.number assignment)

      • Number range: 01

      • Low: 0000000001

      • High: 1000029999

      • If you mark the Replicate Account Group to BP Grouping by externalnumber range checkbox, the report also proposes the followinginformation.
        • BP Grouping: KUNA

        • BP Grouping Name: Customer (ext.number assignment)

        • Number range: 01

        • Low: 0000000001

        • High: 1000029999

        • Replicate individual customers/vendors by setting filter criteria
          You can use the Customers/Vendors radio button to replicate othercustomers or vendors using the filter criteria. You select the radiobutton and enter the criteria in the Customers - selection onlyor Vendors - selection only fields.
          If you do so, the report creates a business partner and anidentification number. The identification number includes the logicalsystem and the customer number.
          For example, if you enter the customer #2000000001# for replication fromthe ERP system 'QV5 Client 508'. The report creates a business partner#2000000001#with the identification number #QV5CLINT508:2000000001#.
          Replicate customers/vendors by account groups
          You can select the Customers or Vendors radio button toreplicate customers or vendors by account groups. You use the NextStep button on the toolbar to navigate to the proposal screen.
          You can select the account groups to be replicated from the proposalscreen. The selected account groups are replicated from the SAP ERPsystem to the SAP CRM system.
          Check the prerequisite customizing settings for customer/vendorreplication
          You can use the report to check that the entries listed below exist inthe SAP ERP table CRMSUBTAB.
          • Function Module PI_BP_CUSTOMER_MAIN_EXTRACT is active in ERP
          • table CRMSUBTAB
            • Function Module PI_BP_CUSTOMER_REL_EXTRACT is active in ERP
            • table CRMSUBTAB
              • Function Module PI_BP_VENDOR_MAIN_EXTRACT is active in ERP table
              • CRMSUBTAB
                • Function Module PI_BP_PROXY_BAPI_VENDOR is active in ERP table
                • COM_BUPA_CALL_FU
                  • FunctionModule PI_BP_PROXY_BAPI_CUST_VEND is inactive in ERP
                  • table CRM_BUPA_CALL_FU
                    • Check if products EIOUT and EIOUV exist or are active in
                    • ERP table TBE24
                      For SAP ERP system releases higher than SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement package4, the report verifies if the function modules
                      FCTMODULE_KNB1_DE_EIOUTand FCTMODULE_LFB1_DE_EIOUV exist inthe SAP ERP table TBE34
                      You can also use the report to check that the loaded objects listedbelow exist in CRM table SMOFOBJECT.
                      • CUSTOMER_MAIN

                      • CUSTOMER_REL

                      • VENDOR_MAIN

                      • VEND_MAIN

                      • CCODE_MAIN

                      • You can also use the report to check that the required Customizingobjects listed below exist.
                        • AccountingGrp Business Partner (DNL_CUST_ACGRPB)

                        • Banking Master (DNL_CUST_BNKA)

                        • Regional structure (DNL_CUST_ADDR)

                        • Account group from CRM to CDB (DNL_CUST_KTOKD)

                        • Business Partner: TVPV, TVPVT (DNL_CUST_TVPV),

                        • Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/C (DNL_CUST_TVLS)

                        • Business Partner: TVIP, TVIPT (DNL_CUST_TVIP)

                        • Business Partner: TVGF, TVGFT (DNL_CUST_TVGF)

                        • Business Partner: Attributes (DNL_CUST_TVKN)

                        • Business Partner: TKUKL, TKUKT (DNL_CUST_TKUKL)

                        • Sales Document Billing: Block (DNL_CUST_TVFS)

                        • Sales Document Blocking Reason (DNL_CUST_TVAST)

                        • Business Partner: TSAB, TSABT (DNL_CUST_TSAB)

                        • Business Partner: TPFK, TPFKT (DNL_CUST_TPFK)

                        • Business Partner: T502T (DNL_CUST_T502T)

                        • Business Partner: Industries (DNL_CUST_TBRC)

                        • The report also checks that the filter objects for customers and vendorsexist in the table SMOFFILFLD in the SAP CRM system.