SAP Program FSBP_IND_SECTOR_MAPPING_CHECK - Synchronize Customizing for Industry Sectors

You can use this report to generate Customizing entries for industryassignment in the context of Customer/Vendor Integration, and also toevaluate existing or missing assignment entries.
The entries are set in the assignment tables TP038M1 (for mappingthe business partner industries to the customer/vendor) andTP038M2 (for mapping the customer/vendor industries to the businesspartner).
You can set industry assignment manually in the IMG activityAssign Industries.
To find suitable entries, the system first looks at the conversion tableTP17U. This table may include industry assignment information from aprevious business partner conversion. The Customizing for the tablesTP038M1 and TP038M2 is automatically generated from the informationstored there.
If no entries exist in TP17U, the system tries to create assignmentsusing the same names for the industry keys in customer/vendor/TR BPindustry Customizing (table T016) and SAP BP industry Customizing (tableTB038A). If this is also unsuccessful, you have to generate theassignment entries manually, if necessary.

Test run: Check and display the results
Update run: Check, create existing assignment entries automatically inCustomizing, and display the results

A log is output. If assignment entries exist in the relevant tables,these remain unchanged and are listed in the output for the program.
The Customizing is complete when the log lists no more industries in the"non-mapped entries" section.

If you execute a test run, you can determine the entries that alreadyexist, those that can be generated automatically, and those that youhave to create manually.
If you execute an update run, the assignment entries that are determinedare also written to the database.