SAP Program FRE_RPR_MEASGR_DELTA - Transmission of Customizing Changes for Logistical Rounding

Customizing changes on Rounding Profiles, Rounding Rules and Unit ofMeasure Groups can't be recognized by Change Pointers. So an automaticdetection of changes isn't possible and this Report will have to beexecuted manually or scheduled.
This Report enables the User to perform a delta Transmission of RoundingProfiles with Round-ing Rules and Unit of Measure Groups afterCustomizing Changes on these Objects.

Rounding Profiles and Rounding Rules
If the User chooses Rounding Profiles on the selection screen, the Dataof these relevant Rounding Profiles with the assigned Rounding Rules,Texts and ISO Language Codes will be selected.
If the User chooses Rounding Rules on the selection screen, the Data ofthese Rounding Rules and all relevant Rounding Profiles (with Texts andISO Language Codes) having these Round-ing Rules assigned will beselected.
If the User chooses both, Rounding Profiles and Rounding Rules, therelevant Records will be selected as described above. By this way thesame Rounding Profiles and Rounding Rules may be determined by selectionof Rounding Profiles and Rounding Rules. This Report checks forduplicate Records, so that no duplicate Keys will be transmitted to SAPF&R.
These determined Rounding Profiles from Application Tables (RDPR, TW06S)will be checked against those Rounding Profiles transmitted to SAP F
R so far and stored in database table fre_rdpr.
ID's of relevant Rounding Profiles will be transmitted to SAP F&Ras Attribute via the SAP R/3 Supply Network Interface. The affectedMaster Data Records having a Rounding Profile as-signed in SAP R/3, thatbecame newly relevant for SAP F&R will have to be transmitted toSAP F&R with the newly relevant Rounding Profile assigned aschanged Records. The affected Mas-ter Data Records having a RoundingProfile assigned in SAP R/3, that lost its relevance for SAP F&Rwill have to be transmitted to SAP F&R without this RoundingProfile assigned as changed Records.
These affected Master Data Records will have to be determined fromDatabase Tables MARC (Plant Data for Material) and EINE (Purchasing InfoRecord: Purchasing Organization Data) and a Change Pointer will have tobe created and evaluated in the next Master Data Delta Process-ing forevery determined Record.
Unit of Measure Groups
If the User chooses Unit of Measure Groups on the Selection Screen theData of the chosen Unit of Measure Groups will be determined .
The determined Unit of Measure Groups from Application Table (TWMEG)will be compared with the Unit of Measure Groups transmitted to SAP F
R so far and stored in database table fre_uom.