SAP Program FRE_DIF_NO_SITES_DEL - DIF Occurrences for Number of Supplied Sites

The program deletes administration data on DIF occurrences of Numberof Sites delivered by a Distribution Center from the FRE_DIF_NO_SITES
The System does not transfer the delete information to SAP F&R.

The Transfer of DIF Occurrence to Number of Sites Delivered by aDistribution Center to SAP F&R must be activated in Customizing underMaintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer.

Using the Transfer DIF to Number of Delivered Sites parameter inthe DIF Parameter for Number of Delivered Sites sub screen you can
activate the transfer. Use the Relevant Time Period parameter to
define the time period in weeks.
A date is displayed in the Date parameter in the RelevantDate for Delete sub screen. The date is the end of the time period bywhich the system must perform the deletion. You cannot change thisvalue, it is for your information only. The date is pre-defined atprogram start. It is made up of the current date minus the value of theRelevant Time Period parameter.
You can change this parameter in Customizing under Maintain BasicSettings for Data Transfer.

For more information on the basic settings for data transfer see theimplementation guide under:
Integration with other SAP Components -> Forecasting andReplenishment -> Maintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer.