SAP Program FRE_DIF_DELTA_LOAD - Delta Transmission of DIF Occurrences

The execution of Forecasting and Replenishment in F&R requires someinput from external systems. Parts of this input are information aboutpast and future promotions from the SAP Retail system to predict futuredemand.
To supply F&R with the required data, the report for delta transmissioncoordinates the collection of changes, the determination of the newvalues and their transfer to F&R.

You must activate the transfer of DIFs to SAP F&R under "Maintain BasicSettings for Data Transfer" - sub screen "DIF Parameters for Promotions"- checkbox "DIF Active" in Customizing (customizing path: IMG >Integration with Other Components > Forecasting andReplenishment > Maintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer).
You have to maintain the settings for creation of DIF occurrences(customizing path: IMG > Integration with Other Components >Forecasting and Replenishment > Maintain DIF Occurrence Profiles forPromotions).

This report provides no selection criteria, i.e. all relevant changesfor already transferred DIF occurrences are transferred when running thedelta load.
The "Transfer Settings" sub screen defines the target system.
The "Options for Parallel Processing" sub screen controls the transferof data. The Records per Package parameter specifies the size of workpackages in parallel processing.