SAP Program FRE_DELTA_LOAD - Transfer changed data to F&R

Transfer changed data to F&R

The report for delta transmission coordinates the collection of changes,the determination of the new values and their transfer to F&R. Asrealised in the report for initial data transfer this functionality isunder the supervision of each interface itself, i.e. each interfaceitself coordinates the determination of the changed data as well as thesending to F&R.


The delta report shall transfer all changed information to the F
R. the delta report can be started with the following entryoptions:
·,,Performance options like usable server group, maximal number ofdialog tasks.
·,,The block size determines how many change pointers will be read atonce by the function module CHANGE_POINTER_READ and thus sent at once toF&R. This option can be used to reduce memory consumption of theprocess.
·,,Selection period: Creation time interval for which the changepointers shall be evaluated.
·,,Destination system specification.

1556799Implementation of FRE_MB_DOCUMENT_BADI does not run