SAP Program FICEUR51 - EC-CS Euro Conversion: Validate and Reset Status Management

This report program ensures that the following conditions are givenprior to the changeover to euros:

  • The prior year is closed for posting.

  • Balances are carried forward into the current year and the related task
  • is blocked.
    If any of these conditions are not met, the program produces an errormessage and the conversion is terminated.
    If you need to execute the conversion in spite of the error message,you can deactivate the status management function of Consolidation inthe Implementation Guide. If this is done, the status management of theconsolidation monitor is NOT reset.
    If all conditions are met, this program automatically resets themonitor status of the current year during the FILL phase.

    The program runs during the Analysis phase.
    The program runs during the FILL phase to reset the status.

1130066LCC: Overview of current notes as of Release 46C