SAP Program FICEUR30 - Deletion of Euro-related Documents in the Conversion Year

This report program may be run only in conjunction with a eurochangeover for EC-CS. It encompasses the following two functions:

  • In the FILL phase of the conversion, all of the relevant documents and
  • reported financial data of the current year are deleted.
    Local currency changeover: All reported data and all standardizingentries for the units participating in the conversion are deleted.
    Group currency changeover (ledger): All of the documents in theledgers, which are being converted and are posted in group currency,are deleted. This is NOT limited to conversion-related units.
    Documents of the prior year, which were posted with automatic reversalsin subsequent periods into the current year of the changeover, are NOTdeleted.
    • In the RECON phase of the conversion, the totals records which belong
    • to the journal entries that were not previously deleted, are rebuiltwith automatic reversals in the subsequent period; however, these arenot reconciled.
      Reconciliation is done by running the prorgram FICEUR00 for period 1.

      This report is part of the package procedure for changing over EC-CS toeuros. It is started automatically and should not be executed manually.