SAP Program FAGL_MIG_DS_RESTORE - Reset Subsequent Implementation of Document Splitting

You can use this program to reset the migration that you performed forthe subsequent implementation of document splitting. Note that theprogram cannot be performed in a production system.


  • You have created the worklists for all migration objects for the
  • migration plans.
    If you have not run the programs for determining the worklists,errors may occur when the reset program is run.
    • You have not activated document splitting in any of the
    • assigned company codes.
      • The migration plan to be selected has not been completed. This
      • also applies to migration plans that also have to be processed besidesthe selected plan.
        For more information, see the SAP Notes for migration plans withdocument splitting.

        You can execute the program in three different variants:

        • Reset Migration Completely (transaction: FAGL_MIGDS_REST_ALL)

        • We recommend that you use this variant.
          Specify which migration plan you want to completely reset.
          Use the Reset or Resetand Delete indicators to specify whether all entries in the worklistobtain status 00 or whether the worklist is deleted completely. Thisapplies to the worklist of open items and to the worklist of transferreddocuments.
          Ensure that the affected tables only contain data that can be deleted.The program cannot distinguish whether data was generated bymigration programs and can therefore be deleted or whether data wasgenerated by a normal document posting, for example, and cannot bedeleted. If the tables contain data that should not be deleted, youmust not execute this program.
          • Reset Migration for Open Items (transaction: FAGL_MIGDS_REST_OP)

          • We recommend that you do not use this variant.
            Specify the migration plan and the open items that need to be reset. Usethe Fiscal Year field to select all items of a fiscal year. Thesystem only considers the open items contained in the migrationworklist.
            Use the Reset or Resetand Delete indicators to specify whether the update to new GeneralLedger Accounting should only be reset for the selected items or whetherthe item itself should also be removed from the migration worklist. Ifyou delete an item from the migration worklist, you cannot repeatthe migration of that item.
            Note that entries in the totals table are not deleted. Only anadjustment posting is made.
            • Reset Migration for Transferred Documents (transaction:
            • FAGL_MIGDS_REST_RP)
              We recommend that you do not use this variant.
              Specify the migration plan and the documents that need to be reset.Using the Fiscal Year or Posting Periods fields, you canselect all documents in a given period. The system only considers thedocuments contained in the migration worklist.
              Use the Reset or Resetand Delete indicators to specify whether the update to new GeneralLedger Accounting should only be reset for the selected documents orwhether the document itself should also be removed from the migrationworklist. If you delete a document from the migration worklist, youcannot repeat the migration of that document.
              Note that entries in the totals table are not deleted. Only anadjustment posting is made.

              The transactions FAGL_MIGDS_REST_OP and FAGL_MIGDS_REST_RP determine theselected migration objects from the migration worklist. Objects that arenot in the worklist are not considered.
              For the objects determined, the system deletes or adjusts all dataupdates to new General Ledger Accounting. This applies to the followingdata:

              • Line items and totals in the assigned ledgers

              • Document splitting information

              • Migration worklists

              • Balance carryforward values for reconciliation accounts

              • Transaction FAGL_MIGDS_REST_ALL is not based on the worklist.Consequently, it is important that the database tables only contain datathat can be deleted.


                Notes on Background Processing
                If you want to execute the program in the background, you must startbackground processing from within the respective transaction. Youcannot schedule the program as a background job.

1086181Subsequent implementation of document splitting