Purpose You use this program to delete the transaction data in General LedgerAccounting (totals records and line items) from the ledgers and companycodes to be migrated. This deletion is a preparatory step for thesubsequent implementation of document splitting. Integration Prerequisites
- You are using new General Ledger Accounting.
- Document splitting is not> active in the company codes to be
- The migration plan for which you would like to perform the deletion is
defined with migration type 4 (Subsequent Implementation of DocumentSplitting)>.Features The program deletes the transaction data from the ledgers and companycodes that are assigned to the migration plan. The deletion is made forthe time interval following the migration date set in the migration plan(generally the current fiscal year). Plan data is not affected by thedeletion. The program can be executed multiple times. Selection Select the data to be deleted for the ledgers and company codes assignedto the migration plan: