SAP Program FAGL_MIG_CHECK_WORKLIST_OP - Check Worklist for Migrating Open Items

You can use this program for the existing worklist for migrating openitems (phase 0 of the migration) to check whether there are items thathave been changed (cleared) retroactively since the first worklist wasgenerated and that are consequently no longer relevant for themigration.
If an item that appears in the migration worklist even though it is nolonger open at the time of the migration were then to be migratednevertheless, this would create a discrepancy between the carryforwardbalance of the affected accounts and the closing balance of the previousyear.

The program selects and checks the complete worklist of open items forthe migration plan that is specified in the selection screen.
Each item is checked individually. Note that, depending on the number ofopen items, the program can in some cases have a very long runtime.

You receive an output list containing the items that need to be checkedand potentially need to be removed from the worklist:

  • A red traffic light indicates that the item was open at the time when
  • the worklist was created and was therefore relevant for the migration,but that it has been cleared retroactively (for the old fiscal year) inthe meantime.
    Check whether the item has really been cleared. If this is the case,remove the item from the worklist before the migration.
    • If no account control (table SKB1) could be found for the account of an
    • item or the settings of the account prevent that account from containingany open items, an error message is issued.
      Check whether the item is still open and whether the account control iscorrect.

      In the following cases, you need to run the program:

      • The worklist for the open items has been created more than once.

      • The periods of the old fiscal years (prior to the migration date) are
      • not yet closed.
        • Clearing entries have been posted.