SAP Program FAGLSKF_DISPLAY_PERIOD - Display Statistical Key Figures per Period

Period Evaluation

You can display for individual ledgers and company codes (split byperiod) the statistical key figures that were entered for thecharacteristics used by the ledger.

You have authorization to display tables (authorization objectS_TABU_DIS).


You have the following selection options:

  • You specify a ledger and the desired company code.

  • On the basis of the scenarios used, the system then determines thecharacteristics that are used by the ledger. The system determines thefiscal year variant from the combination of ledger and company code.Using the fiscal year variant and the current fiscal year, the systemdetermines the time interval for which the data is to be analyzed.
    • From the characteristics determined by the system, you can choose for
    • which ones you want to display the statistical key figures entered.

      In the results list, the statistical key figures entered are displayedfor each month. The functions of theSAP List Viewer (ALV) arealso available.