SAP Program EWU_KSTAR_CHECK - Check Cost Element for Real-Time Integration

You use this program to check whether the cost element is filledcorrectly in General Ledger Accounting for documents that are posted aspart of the real-time integration of Controlling with FinancialAccounting.
If real-time integration is active for a company code for which thelocal currency is being changed, it must be possible to fill theCost Element (KSTAR) field in table BSEG.
Documents that are then posted as part of real-time integration fromControlling (CO) to Financial Accounting (FI) must contain the costelement. Namely, once the local currency changeover is complete, it isnot possible to add the relevant information to the documents.

You run the program as part of the Central Changeover in theANALYZE phase.

Any errors that occur are logged. You can call the log in the proceduremonitor (Monitor Preprocessing, phase ANALYZE).


  • If the local currency changeover is not performed for a company code and
  • the real-time integration of CO with FI is active but table BSEGdoes not contain the KSTAR field, implement SAP Note1067350.
    • If the Cost Element field is not filled for a document
    • that was posted as part of real-time integration, implement SAP Note1036248.

1409848EWU_KSTAR_CHECK: error message FAGL_COFI120
1163139EURO: EWU_KSTAR_CHECK adding to analyze phase