SAP Program EWUMMRTL_40 - EMU Reconciliation Report for Sales Values

This report is used to compare sales values between the material viewand the accounting view for value-onlymaterials. It is carried out automatically after conversion to theeuro and therefore should not be started manually.
The report checks the value of the stocks at storage location and plantlevel. In the tables MARD (storage location level) and MARC (plantlevel), the following fields are included for valuation:

  • VKLAB (unrestricted-use storage location stock)

  • VKUMC (stock in transfer - storage location to storage location)

  • MARC:
    • VKUML (stock in transfer at plant level)

    • VKTRW (stock in transit)

    • If the report finds differences between the total valuation for theindividual stock quantities and the sales value, the sales value isupdated in the accounting view.

      The report should be run in the postprocessing phase (after the actualconversion). During this phase, it can be started without using otherreports. However, while the report is running, you should not carry outany valuation-relevant postings, as the report does not block thevaluation segments. Due to the length of time it takes to run thereport, it should be started in the background.

      For each valuation area, the report specifies the value-only materialsfor which the sales value was updated.