SAP Program EWUMMPOB - Compare PO history and GR/IR clearing account

Reconcile PO history and GR/IR clearing account

You run this report during the Preparation phase.
The report has two functions:
Based on the purchase order items, the report uses thetransaction/event key to check if the settings for accountdetermination are correct. You configure the GR/IR clearing accountsand the delivery costs clearing accounts in Customizing.
If the report cannot assign any G/L accounts to the transaction/eventkeys, it outputs the missing Customizing entries in table T030RRules for Account Determination.
Check if the account determination settings are available inCustomizing. Branch to the Customizing Implementation Guide as follows:
Materials Management -> Valuation and Account Assignment -> AccountDetermination -> Account Determination Without Wizard ->
Create Automatic Postings
and then choose Account assignment.
A G/L account to be posted to must be assigned to each postingtransaction. If this is not the case, check if the documents inquestion are still relevant in your production system. Otherwise, youcan archive the documents before the currency changeover.
The report reconciles the purchase order history records with the lineitems on the GR/IR clearing account and the delivery costs clearingaccounts. If the report finds any differences, they are saved in tableEWUMMFI.
Differences can occur for the following reasons:

  • Manual postings have been made to the GR/IR account

  • The allocation number and purchasing document number has been changed
  • in the accounting document
    • Items on the GR/IR clearing accounts have been cleared using the wrong
    • assignment

      Scope of functions
      You can run the report at any time during the Preparation phase, theANALYZE phase or the RECON phase, when you want specifically want toanalyze the purchase orders.

      Enter the company code.
      The system selects all the purchase order histories for a company code.To reduce the runtime, which can be long in certain circumstances,enter more selection criteria:

      • Purchase order number

      • Purchase order item
      • Output
        The report lists the following information for each purchase orderitem:

        • The purchase order history records

        • Open items on the GR/IR clearing accounts and delivery costs clearing
        • accounts
          • Cleared items on the GR/IR clearing accounts and delivery costs
          • clearing accounts
            • The relevant posting line in the accounting document
            • Activities
              If differences occur, check the possible causes listed above andresolve them.

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