SAP Program EWULKUSR - EMU Conversion: Lock and Unlock Users

You use this report program to name and save the administrators for thearea of Euro conversion. You can also use it to lock or unlock allother users. The administrator's user names are saved in the tableEWUADMUSER.
The initial screen displays a list of all the users in the logonclient, together with their user groups, current status (locked/notlocked) and the euro administrator flag. From this screen you canselect administrators with "Choose user" and save your selection. Youcan also lock or unlock all users who have not been selected.
Please note that users may remain locked if the contents of EWUADMUSERare changed between locking and unlocking the user.
You must check whether users not working online (CPIC, BDC, backgr) canbe locked during the local currency conversion. Any activities runningunder these users (RFC links, batch input, background jobs) would thenbe unable to function. You should also note that many standardbackground jobs, such as SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR run under theuser DDIC, which therefore should usually not be locked.

511956EWK5: Locking subsequently created users