SAP Program EWUFISLO - EMU: Fill Tables EWUSL, EWUWT for Special Ledger Currencies

The program uses the contents of table EUROFISL as input and generatesthe entries for the EWUSL organization table from it. The currenciesfor the HSL, KSL, and TSL fields (currency types LH, LK and LT) aresaved in this table for the individual ledgers. An entry for tableEWUWT is generated for each currency type.

The program is started automatically in the FILL phase of the localcurrency changeover.
Program EWUFISLT which, among other things, fills table EUROFISL musthave been run successfully beforehand.
If you want to run the program several times for the same changeoverpackage, the old table contents will be overwritten in each case by thecurrent results.

The program fills tables EWUSL and EWUWT.
The program writes a log to the log file rather than generating anyentries on the screen. You can display this log using the proceduremonitor.