SAP Program EHSWAR_160_LS24 - Program for Calling Stocks for Material (LS24)

Waste Stock Display in Warehouse Management

This report lists the waste stocks in the storage bins inSAP WarehouseManagement. The stocks are displayed for the waste that iscontained in the first entry document selected. The quantities andstorage bins from the selected entry documents are not taken intoaccount, meaning that all storage bins are displayed in which the wasteis stored, and the total quantities in the storage bins are displayed.The report corresponds to calling the transaction Stock perMaterial (LS24), the waste being transferred from the entry documentas a selection criterion.

This report is assigned to the Stock per waste in WM function inthe IMG activity Specify Functions inCustomizing for Waste Management in the standard system. It cantherefore be called for selected entry documents from disposalprocessing.

415748Corrections and improvements waste management EHS2.7B-SP01