This report allows to create one or more utilities technical objects byfilling out an Excel spreadsheet with the corresponding data.

Like technical objects created in other UIs, the technical objects willbe replicated to IS-U according to the current replication settings.This is, unless temporary technical objects are created.

In order to be able to create temporary technical objects, you have toactivate the management for temporary technical objects in thecustomizing of Customer Relationship Management under the pathIndustry-Specific Solutions -> Utility Industries -> TechnicalObjects -> Maintain Settings for Managementof Temporary Technical Objects.


The system generates the spreadsheet column headers according to theavailable fields for technical objects, i.e. including customer set typefields, that have been assigned to connection object and point ofdelivery. Fields from customer settypes are behind after the point ofdelivery fields, i.e. starting from column 'DE'.
Fill a single line for every technical object using the following textsin the Object Type column :

  • CONNOBJ for connection object

  • PREMISES for premise

  • ISUPOD for point of delivery

  • These are also the mandatory first three lines in the spreadsheet inorder to successfully create technical objects. In order to create asecond point of delivery for the premise, add another line with objecttype ISUPOD. To create another premise below the connection object addanother PREMISES line followed by at least one ISUPOD line.
    Start a new connection object by adding another 3 lines CONNOBJ,PREMISES and ISUPOD to the list.
    Number the lines in the Consecutive number column consecutively,starting from 1 in the first connection object line.
    Fill the data colums according to the object type of every line:
    • Fill the fields with prefix CO_ and the customer settype fields assigned
    • to connection objects for every connection object line.
      • Fill the fields with prefix VS_ for every premise line.

      • Fill the fields with prefix PD_ and the customer set type fields
      • assigned to points of delivery for every point of delivery line.
        It is not mandatory to fill in all the fields for the correspondingobject type, just fill in the fields you want to specify.
        In order to create the technical objects as temporary technical objects,enter an uppercase 'Q' in the COB_LC_STATUS column for connectionobjects and in the POD_LC_STATUS column for points of delivery.

        In case errors occured during object creation, the report displays alist of this errors referring to the consecutive number (SEQ_NUMBER) ofthe corresponding Excel line. Lines that do not appear in this list havebeen processed successfully.

        Click the 'Import data' button to create the technical objects.

        In order to create two connection objects with two premises containingtwo points of delivery each, your excel should look like this:
        ,,Object Type,,,,Consecutive Number