SAP Program ECN_XPRA_01 - Programm ECN_XPRA_01

Report ECN_XPRA_01 checks table TCCER for entry consistencies in fieldClint.

The chnage number/change request saves in table AENR only the Clint withthe selected validity type. The definition of the validity type is readfrom table TCCER.
Every validty type is assigned to exactly one internal number (ID) infield Clint. A validity type usually has several validity parameterswith this Clint. The field Clint is however not defined with a uniquekey and permits the definition of other validity types with the sameClint. The unique assignment of Clint to the validity type is then nolonger guaranteed.

The report reads table TCCER and checks the table for consistency. Ifthe assignment of the Clint is not unique, the entries are corrected inthe table. Before doing this, it checks which validity types have beenused up to now and which validity types are new. The validity type addedafter a release change gets a new Clint.