This report serves to update the material valuation prices in the EBPSystem. The report reads the valuation prices from the backend systemand updates these in the EBP System.


Using 'Product selection', you can restrict the update to specificmaterials. If you enter " * ", then all material prices are updated.
Under "Logical System", you can specify if the update is to be carriedout from a specific logical system. If you enter " * ", the system getsthe material prices from all logical systems.
Under "Product price currency", you can specify the target currency.This determines the currency in which the system updates the valuationprices in EBP. If you do not enter any currency here, the material isupdated in the currency defined for the first valuation area/plant.
Under "Price reference per product", you can specify if the averagevalue of all valuation groups/plants is to be calculated or if thevaluation price from the first valuation group/plant is to be used. Ifthe average value is to be calculated, choose "Average of all prices".If you wish to use the first valuation price, choose "Use first price".The standard setting calls for the "Average of all prices" to becalculated.
Choose "Execute" to start the update.

The report displays the result in the form of a list. This shows forhow many products the update has been successful. The list also showsany errors that may have occurred.