SAP Program EANP_SIMULATE_GTIN - GTIN Mapping Simulation

This report program allows you to enter a Global Trade Item Number(GTIN) along with some additional criteria; and then provides the resultof GTIN mapping in accordance with the customizing and master dataavailable in the system.

GTIN Mapping Simulation supports the following selection parameters:

  • Date

  • Condition master data for GTIN mapping is time dependent. You musttherefore specify a date for the simulation.
    • Sales Document Type

    • You can activate GTIN Mapping only for certain sales order types. Inaddition to this, the behavior of GTIN mapping depends on the assigneddetermination procedure and the associated customizing. You musttherefore specify a sales document type for simulation.
      • Detailed Protocol

      • GTIN mapping is based on the condition technique. If you select theDetailed Protocol option, the system provides you with theprotocol of condition determination during the execution of GTINMapping.

        The system displays the result of the GTIN mapping in the form of amessage on the selection screen. If you selected the DetailedProtocol option, then the system also displays the steps executedduring the GTIN mapping.

        Execute the program using the transaction EANSIMULATE.
        Select the required Date and the Sales Document Type.
        Choose Key Fields.
        The system displays a dialog box where you can enter the GTIN and theadditional key fields (for example, Sales Organization or Customer).
        If the dialog box does not appear, then you must respond to the errormessage in the result section.
        Enter the required GTIN and the additional key field details.
        To start simulation, choose Execute.
        To re-execute the program using another selection criterion, go to step2.