SAP Program DIACL_UPGRADE_LBK_DIMP471 - XPRA report for Log Book - DIMP471 to ECC-DIMP-500 release only

When you upgrade from DIMP 4.71, execute this XPRA report to upgrade thetables for the log entries (DIACL_LOG_ENTRY) and the customizing tableDIACL_CNTR_UPD that are used in the Logbook .
The following tables need to be upgraded:



  • Changes To Table DIACL_CNTR_UPD
    The following fields have been deleted from the table:
    • CNTR_TYPE - Counter type used in logbook

    • FLG_LGE - Logbook flag: Flagged object is used for log entry

    • UPD_MODE - Update mode of counters in logbook

    • The following fields have been added to the table:
      • LETYP - Log entry type (Key field)

      • AUTO - Update mode of counters in Logbook

      • MTORY - Mandatory flag

      • Changes to Table DIACL_LOG_ENTRY
        The following fields have been added:
        • STARTTM - Start time of operation

        • ENDTM - End time of operation

        • STARTDT - Start date of operation

        • ENDDT - End date of operation

        • STARTTZ - Time zone at start of operation

        • ENDTZ - Time zone at end of operation

        • CYCLES - Number of performed cycles

        • LETYP - Log entry type

        • OBJNR - Object number for log entry

        • While updating the customizing table DIACL_CNTR_UPD, all entries createdby customers are selected. For these selected records, the followingvalues are assigned to the fields:
          • LETYP = 'NA' - 'If log entries are further processed then the
          • measurement document is created automatically' when data is entered.
            • AUTO = 'A' - 'Automactic creation of measurement documents'

            • MTORY = ' ' - 'Measurement document creation is not mandatory'

            • While updating the table DIACL_LOG_ENTRY, all entries created bycustomers are selected. For these selected records, the following valuesare assigned to the fields:
              Values for the fields STARTTM, ENDTM, STARTDT, ENDDT, STARTTZ, ENDTZ areretrieved from the corresponding operation time measurement documentwhen the value for the field MDOCM_OPTIME is not initial.
              Values for the field CYCLES is retrieved from the corresponding cyclesmeasurement document when the value for the field MDOCM_CYCLES is notinitial.
              LETYP = 'NA' - If additional data is maintained in these log entries,corresponding measurement documents are created automatically. (For moreinformation, see Counter updates in the Logbook documentation.)
              OBJNR - The field is populated with the number of the status objectsgenerated for the log entry. (The value for this field is formed byconcatenating 'LE' with the LOGID of the selected log entry record.) Theinitial status 'In Process' ('INPC'), is set for the status object.
              If the log entry is not yet set as Partially Certified or Certified, theinitial status is set to Completed ('COMP') and Completion PartiallyCertified ('CPCE') or Completion Certified ('COCE'). The initial status,'Document Created'('DOCC'), is set for log entries that contain at leastone log notification or a log measurement document.

              You should have already upgraded from DIMP 4.71.
              The table DIACL_LETYP_T (delivered by SAP) has already been set up withthe necessary default setting:
              LETYP = NA
              Description = Measure. doc not mandatory; Auto create


              Processing After the Report
              In addition to executing this report, some customers may want to updatethe status of the logbook entries to 'COMPLETED'. The process for doingthis may vary from customer to customer.
              For more information, see consulting note 718988.