SAP Program CVI_MAPPING_LEGAL_FORM - Synchronize Customizing for Legal Form and Legal Status

You can use this report to assign legal forms forthe business partner to legal statuses for the customer master recordsand vice versa, assuming certain prerequisites have been met. Thisassignment supports the bidirectional synchronization of the businesspartner and the customer master records within customer integration.
You can run the report once when you set up the system.
The report transfers the Customizing entries for a source object (eitherlegal form for the business partner or legal status for the customermaster records) to the Customizing for a suitable target object (eitherlegal status for the customer master records or legal form for thebusiness partner) and makes assignments between both objects.
Note that the system does not trigger errors during subsequent businesspartner or customer processing as a result of missing or incorrectCustomizing assignments, but that it does not update attributes in thetarget object.
You can call up the report directly or using the synchronizationcockpit.

You can also assign the relevant Customizing entries manually in the IMGactivity Assign Legal Form to Legal Status.Note that in addition to the assignment you also have to ensure that youmake the corresponding entry in the Customizing for the target object.You can do this by using either the IMG activityDefine Legal Statuses for the customermaster record or the IMG activity Maintain LegalForms for the business partner.

You have defined either the legal statuses for the customer masterrecords or the legal forms for the business partner in Customizing. Thisobject is the source object.
Before you run the report, ensure that no entries are available in thetarget object or in the assignment Customizing. If the legal statusesand legal forms are already set in both objects (business partner andcustomer) or in the assignment Customizing, assign these attributesmanually in the IMG activity Assign Legal Formto Legal Status.



  • If you select the Customer/Vendor-> Partner indicator then you
  • can transfer the entries for the legal statuses for the customer masterrecords into the Customizing for the legal forms for the businesspartner and assign the attributes for both sets of master data.
    • If you select the Partner-> Customer/Vendor indicator then you
    • can transfer the entries for the legal forms for the business partnerinto the Customizing for the legal statuses for the customer masterrecords and assign the attributes for both sets of master data.

      You can set the indicator only if entries have been made exclusively forthe source object.


      Before you run the report check whether the prerequisites have been metor whether you have to make the Customizing settings manually.
      Run the report for the assignment direction indicated.

      When you set up Customer/Vendor Integration you want to make therequired Customizing settings for assigning attributes. The report canhelp you to make the required assignments by automating some of theprocesses. You have already defined legal status of customer master datain Customizing for Sales and Distribution. You have ensured that nolegal forms have been defined for the business partner and that thereare no assignments between legal statuses and legal forms. If theseprerequisites have been met you can automatically transfer theassignment Customizing by running the report. You do this by setting theCustomer/ Vendor-> Partner indicator and running the report once.The report creates definitions of legal forms for the business partnerand makes assignment between legal forms and legal statuses.