SAP Program CRM_WEBREQ_SIGNATURE_SHOW - Display Signature Data

You can use this report to display the request data and the signaturedata for a digitally signed Web request. The signature is verified atthe same time as a signed document is called up. Only the signature ofthe original version is displayed and checked.

The following information is issued when calling up a Web request:

  • Document verification

  • The document is verified when called. The result is displayed togetherwith a traffic light symbol. A green traffic light means that thesignature is valid; a red traffic light shows that the certificate usedto deliver the signature has expired, or is invalid.
    • Signatory's system name

    • Certificate holder (certificate ID)

    • Document class

    • Version number of SAPSign Control

    • Signature format

    • Request data for signature page in HTML format
    • Selection
      Entering the service order number

      If you enter the order number of a signed Web request, the saved requestdata is displayed as described above.
      If you enter a order number which is not a Web request, no data isdisplayed and you receive an error message. If a serious verificationerror occurs, again an error message is issued.