SAP Program CRM_WEBREQ_MONITOR - Monitor for Web Requests

Monitor for Web Requests

You can use this program to list and process a selection of Web requests(selected according to request category group, request category). Thefollowing activites can be executed:

  • Display an overview of submitted Web requests and their processing
  • statuses
    • Switch to order processing from the Web requests

    • Display form data in the SAP List Viewer
    • Integration


      • A partner determination procedure with the partner function category
      • "Sold-To Party" must be assigned to the transaction types thatcorrespond to the request categories selected. The applicant representsthis function in the Web request.
        • For processors who create a Web request for an applicant, a business
        • partner of category "Employee" is maintained in addition to theUser and the link to the user.


          You can choose Web requests for a requestcategory group, or select them on the basis of therequest category .
          You can choose between four predefined periods for the selection period,or enter a period of your choice.
          If you only want to evalutate Web requests for a specific applicant,enter this applicant in the Applicant field. It is also possibleto select requests according to Created By.
          The person who created the request can differ from the applicant if, forexample, a processor created the Web request for an applicant. Hereselection is again made using the creator's business partner.
          The selection option No Full Display helps you with selectionwhen there are a large number of Web requests. If you select thissetting, at first only the overview tree is generated. The selectedrequests are only displayed in an ALV list after you click on a row inthe tree.

          You must select either a request category group, or a request category.If you do not enter anything specific, the other default values are asfollows:
          Selection Period,,1 day
          Applicant,,Empty (all applicants are taken into account)
          Creator,,Empty (all creators are taken into account)
          Display Options,,Full display

          After the Web requests are selected, they are grouped in a tree on theleft of the screen, and displayed according to request category andstatus. The number displayed for each branch corresponds to thosemeeting the selection conditions. If the total number is not too largeand the full display is activated, all requests selected are displayedon the right of the screen with Web request entries, such as requestcategory, order number, created on date, status, creator and remarks inan ALV grid control (one row per request).

          By clicking on a specific row in the tree (row with request category, orstatus within a request category), the general request data for all Webrequests on the selected row is displayed in the ALV grid list.
          Displaying Form Data in the SAP List Viewer
          You can use the Details pushbutton above the tree to read theXML document form data from the Web requests and display it in theALV grid control. It isonly possible to display the form data for one request category in thisway; This means that the detailed display is not supported if you havepositioned the cursor on a root node containing different requestcategories.
          The standard options for this control are available in the tree and theALV grid (both in the general display and form display). In particularnote the options for print preview/print output and in the ALV grid, theoption for arranging the list, for sorting and searching. To search, youhave to select the required search column before pushing the Search
          The options for arranging the layout of the ALV grid list are especiallyimportant. It is possible to determine either a global predefined layout(column selection), or a user-specific layout, which overrides theglobal predefined layout as default. However, you can also change thelayout for your display temporarily.
          The following options are available:

          • A special layout (global or user-specific) can be defined for the
          • general ALV grid list.
            • A special layout can be defined per request category (global or
            • user-specific) for the ALV grid list for the form view.
              By double-clicking on a row in the list (both for the general list andthe form display), that particular service order appears. Here you canalso display the form on the Request tab.
              You can switch to the business partner data for the applicant using thepushbutton Business Partner.