SAP Program CRM_TERRMAN_DOWNLOAD - CRM Server to Mobile Clients: Territory Download


This report is used to download master data for territories from the CRMServer to CRM Mobile. The data is downloaded to the consolidated database (CDB) and subsequently transferred to the mobile clients viasubscriptions. For more information on subscriptions, see the SAPLibrary for mySAP Customer Relationship Management under
Field Applications -> Field Sales -> Field Territory Management withMobile Sales -> Subscription Generation.

This report has the following options:

Initial download
The initial download downloads the following data to CRM Mobile:

  • Territories

  • Assignments of products, business partners, contact persons to
  • territories.
    Process territory relationships using the scheduled background job forthe report CRM_TERRMAN_PROC_REL. This report updates the CRM server withinformation about account-territory, product-territory, and sales-areaterritory relationships.
    Note: Only processed territory relationships will bedownloaded to CDB and Mobile.
    • Customizing of territory attributes

    • All activated territory attributes, including attributes that you have
    • created
      • The territories that are no longer valid and sets them to expired on the
      • server. This information is transferred to CDB and mobile clients. Theterritories that have become valid, for example, a territory is createdtoday but not valid until next week, is not downloaded today.
        Note: You download the assignments of the positions to the territoriesin the IMG for Organizational Management under Data Transfer
        -> Copy Organizational Structure to CRMMobile.
        For the initial download, the Download Attributes option isenabled. You can select this option to download territory attributes andtheir values. If you choose to download the attributes, then this willbe valid for all the territory download options and cannot be changed.
        You must execute the business partner or customer master data initialdownload only after setting up the territory structure completely. Thiswill automatically download the business partner territoryrelationships. There is no need to run BP_TERRITORY objectseparately. The territory delta download will download the changes.

        Delta download
        The delta download checks whether the following data is new or changed,and downloads it to the CDB and the mobile clients:

        • Territories

        • Assignments of products, business partners, contact persons to
        • territories
          Process territory relationships using the scheduledbackground job for the report ,,CRM_TERRMAN_PROC_REL.This report updates the CRM server with information aboutaccount-territory, ,,product-territory, and sales-areaterritory relationships.
          ,,Note: Only processed territory relationships will be downloaded to CDBand Mobile.
          • Customizing of territory attributes (if Territory Attributes option is
          • selected)
            • The territories that are no longer valid and sets them to expired on the
            • server. This information is transferred to CDB and mobile clients.
              ,,The territories that have become valid, for example, a territory iscreated today but not valid until next week, is ,,not downloaded today.
              You can run the delta download:
              • When you change a territory

              • In the Implementation Guide

              • You can start the delta download in Customizing for CustomerRelationship Management under Master Data -> Territory Management ->Data Transfer -> Download Territories to CRM Mobile.
                SAP recommends that you plan the delta download as a periodic batch,based on how often you make changes to the territory structure and howfrequently the territories expire or become valid.

                This option downloads again the customizing for territory attributes.
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