SAP Program CRM_PRP_LIST_REP - Display Listings

You use these reports to perform analyses of the listings data you havecreated or modified.
The following reports are available:

  • Listed Products by Business Partner

  • Non-Listed Products by Business Partner

  • Product Listing Rate by Business Partner

  • Listed Business Partners by Product

  • Partner Listing Rate by Product
  • Prerequisites
    You have defined PPR types for listing reporting in Customizing. If youhave not done this, all PPR types are displayed in the reports. For moreinformation about this, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) forCustomer Relationship Management under Master Data -> Partner/Product Range -> Assign PPR Types to PPR Listings.


    Listed Products by Business Partner
    You use this report to determine which products are listed for aparticular business partner, business partner group hierarchy node, ormarketing segment.

    Non-Listed Products by Business Partner
    You use this report to determine which products are not listedfor a particular business partner, business partner group hierarchynode, or marketing segment. The report contains the following headerdata:
    Business partner, hierarchy node, or marketing segment
    Number of non-listed products in the search area
    Number of listed products in the search area
    (Total) number of products in the search area
    Product listing rate
    This report also provides various product data such as the product type,base category, and base hierarchy.
    You can restrict the search area of the report on the Product tabpage. If you specify one or more categories or hierarchies here, thesystem only searches for the non-listed products in these categories orhierarchies. In this case, the results list can contain several entriesfor each product (one for each specified category or hierarchy thatcontains the product). If you do not restrict the search, the systemincludes all products in the product master in the search.

    Product Listing Rate by Business Partner
    You use this report to determine the number of listed products for abusiness partner group hierarchy node. You can expand the structure treedown to this node in the results list. To see the individual businesspartners in the results list, select the Display Business Partners
    indicator on the Business Partner tab page in the selectionscreen. The number of listed products and the product listing rate isdisplayed for each item in the results list. The report also containsheader data such as the hierarchy node and the number of products in thesearch area.
    You can restrict the search area of the report by making the appropriateentries on the Product tab page of the selection screen. If youdo not restrict the search, the system includes all products in theproduct master in the search.

    Listed Business Partners by Product
    You use this report to display the business partners that are listed fora particular product, product category, or category hierarchy. Thereport contains header data such as:

    • Product, product category, or hierarchy

    • Number of listed partners in the search area

    • Note:
      You can restrict the search area of the report by making the appropriateentries on the Business Partner tab page of the selection screen.If you do not restrict the search, the system includes all businesspartners in the business partner master in the search.
      In addition to the business partners, the report provides variouslisting attributes, such as the PPR ID, the PPR type, and the validityarea.
      If the standard set type IBU_CP is assigned to one of the listings foundin the search, the attributes of this set type are also displayed.

      Partner Listing Rate by Product
      You use this report to determine the amount of listed business partnersfor a product category or category hierarchy. You can expand the entrystructure down to the category or hierarchy in the results list. To seethe individual products in the results list, select the DisplayProducts indicator on the Product tab page in the selectionscreen. The business partnerlisting rate and the number of listed business partners are displayedfor each entry.
      The report provides the following header data:

      • Product category or category hierarchy

      • Number of business partners in the search area

      • Note:
        You can restrict the search area of the report by making the appropriateentries on the Business Partners tab page of the selectionscreen. If you do not restrict the search, the system includes allbusiness partners in the business partner master in the search.


        Listed Products by Business Partner
        In the "Listing Report" field, choose Listed Products by BusinessPartner.
        The screen Display Listed Products appears.
        Enter a business partner, a business partner hierarchy node, or amarketing segment.
        Choose Execute.
        You can navigate from the results list to the listing maintenance. Placethe cursor on the required line and choose Goto Listing Maintenance
        from the context menu.
        To display the organizational data for a particular listing,double-click the listing in the ID column.
        To display the set type attributes for a particular product,double-click the listing in the Reference ID column.

        Non-Listed Products by Business Partner
        RESET N1
        Choose Non-Listed Products by Business Partner in the "ListingReport" field.
        Enter a business partner, business partner hierarchy node, or amarketing segment.
        Restrict the search area, if required.
        Choose Execute.

        Product Listing Rate by Business Partner
        RESET N1
        Choose Product Listing Rate by Business Partner in the "ListingReport" field.
        Enter the required business partner hierarchy node.
        Choose Execute.
        Expand the sub-tree that is displayed.
        You can use the context menu to call the reports Listed Products byBusiness Partner and Non-Listed Products by Business Partnerfor each item in the results list.
        Depending on the number of hierarchy entries, the execution of thisreport can be time-consuming.

        Listed Business Partners by Product
        RESET N1
        Choose Listed Business Partners by Product in the "ListingReport" field.
        Enter the required product, category hierarchy, or category.
        Restrict the search area, if required.
        Choose Execute.
        You can use the context menu to navigate from the results list to thelisting maintenance.

        Partner Listing Rate by Product
        RESET N1
        Choose Partner Listing Rate by Product in the "Listing Report"field.
        Enter the search criteria for the product on the Product tabpage.
        Enter the required product, category hierarchy, or category.
        Choose Execute.
        Expand the sub-tree that is displayed.
        You can use the context menu to call the report Listed BusinessPartners by Product for each item in the results list.
        Depending on the number of hierarchy entries, the execution of thisreport can be time-consuming.