SAP Program CRM_OR_UPDATE_BW_REPORT_ATTR - Availability Check and Metadata Replication for BW Reports

You can check the availability of BW reports and transfer reportmetadata to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). To do so,use the report Availability Check and Metadata Replication for BWReports (CRM_OR_UPDATE_BW_REPORT_ATTR).

The report searches in the BW systems that you have defined as a sourcefor BW reports in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management underUI Framework -> UI Framework Definition -> Display SAP NetWeaver BWReports and replicates the metadata of the BW reports it finds. Theprogram logs all BW reports that could not be found in the specifiedsystems in an error list.
Replication of the BW report metadata is a prerequisite for finding theBW reports with the report search in the CRM Web UI. You can also usethe BW report metadata, for example, the name, type, or report area, assearch criteria.