SAP Program CRM_MKTPFTPL_CON_FLAG_PERS_ORG - Modification of the Indicator Person/Organization for an Attribute Set

With this report it is possible to modify the indicators Personand Organization for an attribute set. You should use thereport carefully, since it does not perform any checks. This means thatthe indicator may also be changed to organization when persons arealready assigned to the attribute sets. The report was written to enableyou to change old attribute sets. In the Pharmaceuticals Add-On for CRM3.0, the indicators were stored diffently internally. For this reason,attribute sets that were only valid for organizations in thePharmaceutical Add-On are, after the retrofit back to the CRM standard,now valid for both and must be implemented with this report. Note thatwhen changing the indicators for an attribute set, the system checkswhether the old values of the attribute set match those you haveinputted.