SAP Program CRM_MKTLIST_CONTACT_VIEW - Analyze Contacts and Contact Counters from a List

This program supports the test of the contact counter within ExternalList Management.

The program was not developed to determine the contact counter of eachindividual business partner within a program execution for lists withmany business partners. This could lead to a program termination dueto memory problems. To avoid this problem, you should choose individualbusiness partners from a list for evaluation.

The field for the ID of the address list (fully qualified or generic)must be populated. If a generic value is entered for the address list,all address lists found are examined.
You must enter a value for the maximum number of data records in anaddress list. After the system has examined this number of data recordsfor an address list, the list processing is ended. The programcontinues to the next address list or issues the result.
You can enter the number of business partners for whom the contactcounter is to be evaluated. If business partners are set as selectionparameters, the program only examines the contact counters for thesebusiness partners. These business partners must be part of the addresslist given.
If the appropriate selection parameters are set,the program displays additional details when the list is issued.In the detailed display, the entries from table CRMD_IM_ML_ITEMare issued for each business partner.

The results of the program are issued as a list. For each address list,the program displays the ID and name of each assigned business partneras well as the number of contacts, the number of successful contacts,and the number of unsuccessful contacts