SAP Program CRM_MESSAGES - Set message-relevant parameters

You can use this report to influence the following parameters:

  • degree of usage (degree of detail)

  • The degree of detail specifies which user userreceives what range of messages. The F4 help provides you with thepossible values for selection.
    • Trace mode

    • In trace mode, messages are not deleted physically, but logically. Theyare then displayed further in status "deleted" in the application log.
      • Tax parameters for breakpoints when collecting and deleting

      • messages
        In order to determine from which program a specific message should becollected or deleted in the application log, the command "breakpointfor instruction message" is, as a rule, unsuitable, as it stops atevery triggered message, and even at messages that only stop a functionmodule, in combination with the ABAP command RAISING, and never appearon the user interface. The command is also too vague, as it does notallow you to only stop when you a specific message is triggered.
        With the report, you can specify:
        the message ID and/or
        the message class and/or
        the CRM subobject that allows the message tobe collected
        to trigger the (hard programmed) breakpoint when collecting or deletingthis message. This allows you to track how specific messages are set upand archived in the application log for the business transaction. Thebreakpoint is unspecific - other users are therefore not affected.
        The hard programmed breakpoints are found in the function modulesCRM_MESSAGE_COLLECT and CRM_MESSAGES_DELETE.


        • Set trace mode and degree of usage

        • Set the values you require for trace mode and degree of usage, andchoose "Copy values". The values are then copied into the global user-specific memory, and are used for the duration of your terminalsession.
          If you want to change the settings permanently, that is, beyond theduration of your terminal session, you must set the correspondingparameters CRM_TRACE and CRM_USER_LEVEL in the user maintenance(transaction SU01). Note that no F4 help or value validation can beoffered for the parameter maintenance, due to technical reasons.
          • Reset trace mode and degree of usage

          • If you choose "Recreate standard", the standard values are recreatedfor degree of usage and trace mode.
            • Set debugging parameters

            • Enter your selection criteria for message ID (message class), messagenumber and subobject being called. You can also work with wildcards,for example, by entering the special characters '+' and '*'.
              The debugging parameters remain valid for the current user and thecurrent date. As they are updated in the database table INDX, they areavailable beyond the current session.
              • Delete debugging parameters

              • Here, you deactivate the debugging parameters.

                RESET N1
                Maximum degree of usage
                Trace mode = 'X'
                Degree of usage = '9'
                When you choose 'Copy values', you have the highest possible degree ofusage. You have all collected and displayed all the messages in thebusiness transaction. Deleted messages (with status "deleted") alsocontinue to be displayed.
                Trace mode, but normal degree of usage
                Trace mode = 'X'
                Degree of usage = '3' (office-based sales employee)
                All the messages occuring in transaction processing are collected, butnot all are displayed. The scope of display remains on the level'office-based sales employee'.
                This setting is useful for examining problems occuring in theproductive operation, which cannot be reproduced. The productive useris not bothered by the messages collected additionally. They can,however, be evaluated later, and possibly provide hints regarding thecause of the error.
                Stop at a specific message
                Message ID = 'CRM_ORGMAN'
                Message no. = '010'
                If you choose 'Update debugging parameters', the system always stopswhile processing the CRM business transaction when the messageCRM_ORGMAN010 is copied into the message buffer, or is deleted from it.
                Stop at specific messages that are deleted from a subobject
                Message ID = 'CRM_ORGMAN'
                If you choose 'Update debugging parameters', the system always stopswhile processing the CRM business transaction when any message iscopied from message class CRM_ORGMAN into the message buffer, or isdeleted from it.
                Stop at specific messages that are triggered by a subobject.
                Message ID = 'CRM_ORGMAN'
                Calling object = 'ORGMAN'
                If you choose 'Update debugging parameters', the system always stopswhile processing the CRM business transaction if any message frommessage class CRM_ORGMAN is copied from the business transactionsubobject ORGMAN into the message buffer, or is deleted from it.